13. Shatter

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(G/n)'s POV

I stared at the figure who just entered the room and was now in front me, my heart breaking at the sight.

"Kirito-kun!" I exclaimed, the chains on my wrists slowly draining away my HP, bit by bit.

He looked at me, holding his sword, Elucidator, in his right hand and Dragonfire in the other.

"Please don't, Kirito." I whispered.

Then he turned and began to viciously attack Heathcliff with both swords.

I felt more warm tears drip down my cheeks.

Please don't die. I can't live without you.

I watched every swing of the sword, memorizing the entire battle. Then Kirito hit Heathcliff's shield with Dragonfire head-on, making it break.

I watched it turn into polygons of light.

That was my first actual memory of Kirito...

Then I stared as a scene unfolded before my eyes.

Kirito was knocked back, Heathcliff moved his sword into Kirito's chest.

"NOOOOOO!" I screamed, struggling against the chains.

But I heard the beeps, and watched as he shattered into millions of pieces.

Almost instantly, my body went limp, my eyes went dead, and my heart broke. The wind carried the small light pixels in front of me.

I blocked out all sound, everything.

Then something inside me sparked.

If I die, the memories and times we shared will be lost forever. I don't want to forget that. I want people to know that we loved each other.

I watched as Heathcliff stabbed Rin, making his HP drop to zero.

The chains released me for some reason, making me collapse. I stood up on weak knees and approached the sword in the middle of the room.


I picked it up, not caring about how heavy it was, and walked over to Heathcliff.

"You killed everyone I knew and loved in this game. Damn you, Kayaba." I growled, plunging the sword into his chest before he knew what was happening.

Then he shattered. I heard a woman's voice announcing that the game had been cleared.

I fell to the ground, my body shaking violently while I bawled my eyes out.

He's gone. They're gone.

~Time skip~

I opened my eyes slowly.

Something warm was lightly squeezing my hand. I turned my head slightly to see what it was.

My mother sat next to the bed, crying silently.

"Why did you have to be such a tomboy, (y/n)?" she whispered.

"It's not my fault." I croaked quietly.

Her head shot up as she stared at me.

"Mom, I beat the death game. I killed the final boss because-" almost instantly, Kirito and Rin entered my mind.

"(Y/n)... You're crying..." my mother whispered, practically glomping me.

"I lost Kirito. I lost him. Mom, I lost the one who I loved." I sobbed into her clavicle.

"You fell in love, huh?" she chuckled.

"He's gone, Mom! I lied to him and now he's dead!"

"(Y/n). It's alright."

~One month later~

I still hadn't gotten over Kirito and Rin.

I met up with some friends I made in SAO. Lisbeth, Silica, Klein, and Agil. They tried to help me feel better, since they all knew Kirito.

But it didn't help. I was hopelessly in love. Every night I'd cry myself to sleep. I even took a blade to my skin once, but Lis found out and beat the hell out of me.

I just couldn't get over him.

Me: damn, I'm cold hearted. I didn't cry at all while writing this.
Morpher: *bawling eyes out*
Zygo (sammehDraweh): how can you write something like this and not cry?!
Me: I don't know. Go to Kaneki or something.
Zygo: KANEKI! *glomps*
Kaneki: ?!
Rin: *reading with tears in eyes*
Me: *trying to delete video from internet*
Everyone that I didn't mention: *watching this video*
Me: *dies of embarrassment*
Me: sorry for da feelz in this chapter... There will be a happy ending though! I promise! PLEASE DON'T KILL MUAH!
You: *crying*
Me: CRAP I MADE READER-CHAN CRY! Oh, and I don't think I'll do the extra parts about Lis and Silica and such. I'm lazy.
Rin: whatevs.
You: ...

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