Chapter Fourteen

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Two days before we leave Milan, the air buzzes with excitement as Finn suggests a day trip to Lake Como. I can hardly contain my anticipation; the thought of exploring one of Italy's most beautiful lakes with him fills me with joy. We pile into the car, with Jane and Callum joking and laughing in the backseat, while Finn and I share glances charged with unspoken possibilities.

The drive to the lake is like a scene from a dream. Winding roads reveal breathtaking views of lush hills and sparkling waters in the distance. As we approach, I can't help but marvel at the beauty of our surroundings. When we finally arrive, the lake stretches before us, its deep blue surface shimmering under the sun, framed by majestic mountains.

"Ready for an adventure?" Finn asks, his grin lighting up the space between us. I nod, my heart racing with excitement, and we board the boat he rented for the day.

Cruising across the lake is pure magic. The gentle rocking of the boat, the fresh air brushing against my skin — it all feels surreal. Jane and Callum are at the front, snapping photos and sharing stories. I can't help but feel a little lost in my own world, mesmerized by the way Finn's presence seems to ignite everything around me.

After a couple of hours, we dock at a quaint village. The cobblestone streets are filled with charming shops and flower-filled balconies. Jane and Callum eagerly rush off to explore, leaving Finn and me together.

"Shall we grab some gelato?" Finn suggests, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Only if we can sit by the water," I reply, trying to keep the playful banter alive.

He takes my hand, and we walk to the water's edge, the lake glistening like a thousand diamonds in the sunlight. We settle on a bench with our gelato — mine is rich pistachio, his a refreshing lemon. As we talk, I lean closer, drawn to him. He shares stories of his childhood summers spent sailing, and I find myself longing for that kind of connection.

"Maybe we can go sailing together sometime," he suggests, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.

"Only if you promise to teach me," I counter, feeling bold.

Just then, Jane and Callum find us, their hands intertwined and faces glowing. "You two look cozy," Jane teases, and I can feel my cheeks heat up.

Finn raises an eyebrow, smirking. "Just bonding over gelato."


After we finished our gelato, we wander the streets, Finn inching closer to me. Our fingers brush together, sending sparks through me. I glance up, and he meets my gaze, the moment stretching between us with a palpable energy.

"Do you want to go back to them?" Finn asks, glancing toward where Jane and Callum have gone.

"Not yet," I reply, my heart racing with excitement.

We make our way back to the boat, leaving Jane and Callum behind. Finn steers us to a secluded spot on the lake, far from the bustling villages. The air is peaceful here, the gentle lapping of the water creating a serene atmosphere.

"This feels perfect," Finn says, and I can't help but agree.

"I—" I begin, but he leans in closer, and suddenly, the words escape me. His gaze is intense, and I feel a pull toward him.

Before I can process what's happening, he kisses me — tentative at first, then deepening as I melt into him. Time stands still, the world around us fading away until it's just Finn and me, wrapped in our own little universe.

When we finally break apart, breathless and wide-eyed, a warmth settles between us. Finn's hand finds mine, our fingers intertwining as we gaze into each other's eyes, the chemistry undeniable.

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