Chapter Two

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After the presentation with Elodie Joy Boucher, I feel a mix of relief and exhaustion wash over me. Elodie's feedback is as insightful as it is challenging, encouraging me to rethink certain aspects of my designs. Walking away from the vibrant and bustling atmosphere of the event, I am grateful for the critique but ready for a much-needed break.

I find a small café nearby, known for its calming ambiance. It's the kind of place where I can sit in peace, surrounded by dim lighting and soft jazz music—exactly what I need after such an intense day. As I settle into a corner booth, my mind keeps drifting back to the whirlwind of the presentation and the memories of my mother that seem to linger longer than usual today.

The café windows overlook the golden streets of San Francisco, bathed in the evening light. There's something so comforting about watching the city move on quietly while I sit, sipping my coffee, letting the world slow down for a moment.

Just as I'm beginning to feel the weight of the day ease, my phone buzzes on the table. It's Jane—again. Her ongoing invitations to the club have become almost ritualistic at this point. I usually turn her down. But tonight, I hesitate. Maybe it's the emotional aftermath of the presentation, or maybe it's the way my thoughts keep circling back to everything—my mother's passing, the way life has been changing. I'm not sure why, but tonight, I am reconsidering.

Jane: "Hey, Shannen! Are you still up for tonight? I've been waiting for you to say yes! We're hitting our favorite spot. It's been way too long since we had a night out. Let's make it happen!"

I stare at the screen, torn. I've grown so accustomed to my own solitude, to turning down offers and staying wrapped in my own thoughts. But tonight, something feels different. Maybe it's time for a change, to stop hiding behind the comfort of my solitude.

Taking a breath, I type back.

Shannen: "Okay, Jane. I'll join you tonight. See you at the club."

As night falls, I go home to get ready. I need an outfit that is both comfortable and fitting for a night out. I finally choose a sleek, black Balenciaga mini dress that is tailored to perfection. It has a plunging neckline and a subtle sheen that adds just enough allure without overdoing it. I know it will move with me when I dance, and tonight, I want that kind of freedom. Paired with my Louboutins, their signature red soles gleaming under the light, I feel ready to step into the night with a little more confidence than I've had earlier.

Before leaving, I add a spritz of my favorite perfume. The familiar scent helps ground me, a reminder of elegance and timelessness that I like to carry with me. I glance at myself in the mirror, noticing the renewed spark in my eyes. I am still me—but there's something lighter, more determined.

When I arrive at the club, the bass-heavy music and neon lights create an electric atmosphere that is almost overwhelming. As I step inside, the vibrant energy envelops me, but soon I spot Jane. Her excitement is impossible to miss.

"Shannen!" she calls out over the music, her face lighting up as she rushes toward me. "I knew you'd make it! I was starting to think you'd never take me up on the offer."

I smile, letting her pull me into a hug. "Hey, Jane. Sorry for being such a hermit lately. It's just been... a lot."

Jane softens, her voice lowering in understanding. "I know, that's why I've been nagging you to come out. You deserve this. A night to just let go."

With drinks in hand, we move onto the dance floor, the music guiding our movements. Jane, always the more carefree of the two of us, leads the way, her infectious energy helping me loosen up. I hadn't realized how much I needed this—a break from the weight of my thoughts and the constant solitude I keep retreating to.

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