Chapter Twelve

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As I step into the hotel restaurant, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries envelops me, instantly lifting my spirits. I scan the room, spotting Jane and Theo at a cozy table, their laughter ringing out like a melody. I make my way over, feeling a surge of warmth at the sight of them.

"Girl, I was about to file a missing person report! Where were you? No calls, no texts, nothing!" Jane exclaims, rubbing her eyes dramatically as if she's about to burst into tears. The playful accusation is laced with genuine concern, and I can't help but laugh.

"I told you she's fine," Theo chimes in, a teasing glint in his eye. "She was with Finn. Maybe they had a super good time, which made her forget her phone, right, Shan? Good time, yes?"

I roll my eyes but can't suppress the smile creeping onto my face. "Yeah, a really good time," I reply, my cheeks warming at the memory of our kiss the night before. "But I didn't mean to worry you both. I just needed some time to unwind after all the madness of Milan Fashion Week."

Jane leans forward, her expression shifting to one of curiosity. "So, what's the scoop? Tell us everything! Did you and Finn have a romantic evening?" Her eyes sparkle with mischief.

"Okay, okay," I say, waving my hands dismissively. "It wasn't as dramatic as you think. We just enjoyed each other's company. But seriously, I'm so grateful for your support throughout the whole week. I don't know what I would've done without you two."

Theo leans back, crossing his arms with a satisfied smile. "You made us proud, Shannen. Your collection was the highlight of the show. Everyone was talking about it."

I can feel the blush creeping back as I think of the applause that echoed in the hall. "Thanks, but it really was a team effort. And now that we're back in this fabulous city, I want to make it up to you for going missing. How about we indulge in a luxurious shopping spree today?"

Jane's eyes widen with excitement, and she practically bounces in her seat. "Yes! I've been dying to splurge a little. I need some new pieces to flaunt back in San Francisco."

"I'm in," Theo adds, his enthusiasm infectious. "Let's find some exquisite things to take home."

As we finish breakfast, I can hardly contain my excitement for the day ahead. We decide to hit the high-end boutiques in the heart of Milan. The trio of us stroll through the streets, the sun shining brightly above, making the city even more vibrant. Each shop we enter is a treasure trove of luxurious fashion, and I can already feel the adrenaline of shopping coursing through my veins.

With our shopping bags growing heavier, we eventually decide to take a break at a chic coffee shop tucked away in a corner. The place exudes an air of sophistication, with plush seating and baristas expertly crafting intricate latte art. I settle into a chair, sipping my espresso while admiring the bags filled with our finds.

Just as we're discussing our favorite pieces, a familiar voice breaks through the chatter of the café. I look up to see Lydia striding toward us, her expression one of feigned surprise. "Well, well, if it isn't the shining star of Milan Fashion Week," she says, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

I can feel my stomach knotting slightly, but I force a smile. "Hey, Lydia. What brings you here?"

She smirks, crossing her arms as she leans against the table. "Just thought I'd congratulate you on your little moment in the spotlight. Let's see how long you can keep it. The industry can be fickle, after all."

I take a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure. "Thanks, I appreciate it. But I think I'll be just fine."

"Oh, I have no doubt," she replies, her eyes glinting with a mixture of envy and challenge. "But it's funny how your collection received the most applause, while the one I modeled for barely got a mention." She laughs lightly, though the sound feels hollow.

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