Chapter Seventeen

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I sit by the window, the world below fading into a soft blur of clouds. The gentle hum of the plane feels distant, and all I can focus on is the letter Finn pressed into my hands before we parted. With trembling fingers, I pull it from my bag, the anticipation of his words almost overwhelming.

My heart races as I unfold the paper, instantly recognizing his elegant handwriting. I can feel my pulse quicken, the weight of his affection resting heavily in my palms.

"My dearest Shannen," he begins, and a wave of emotion washes over me. "As I write this, I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, the space beside me feeling emptier than ever without you. I wish I could hold you right now, whispering everything I feel into your ear."

My breath catches. I can almost hear his voice, feel his warmth wrapping around me.

"I know our time together was short, but you've changed my life in ways I can't even put into words. You've filled a void I didn't even know existed. Every laugh, every late-night conversation, every stolen moment—it all matters so much to me."

Tears prick at my eyes as I read on, my heart aching with every word.

"When I see you, I see not just the woman I've fallen for but the one I want to share my life with. You make me believe in possibilities, in love, in a future that I thought was just a dream. Leaving you feels like tearing apart a piece of my soul."

I press the letter to my chest, feeling the raw honesty of his emotions seep through the paper.

"But I promise you this: this isn't goodbye. It's just a pause. I'll be counting the moments until we're together again, until I can hold you in my arms and tell you everything I couldn't fit onto this page. Remember, love, that distance means nothing when two hearts are connected."

The tears flow freely now, and I struggle to keep my breath steady.

"I'll always be here for you, cheering you on, loving you from afar. You are my inspiration, and I will not let the miles between us diminish what we have. Just give me a week—one week—before we start creating our new memories together."

I feel the warmth of his love enveloping me, the weight of his promise settling in my heart.

"Until then, keep this letter close and know that you are never alone. You are my light, Shannen, and I am so grateful for every moment we've shared. I love you, always."

I close my eyes, letting his words wash over me like a warm embrace, the ache of his absence mingling with the hope of our reunion. My heart swells with love, and I hold the letter to my chest, feeling as if he is right here beside me, promising that this is just the beginning of our journey together.

As the plane continues its steady ascent, the rhythmic sound of the engines lulls me into a peaceful state. I open my eyes to see Theo and Jane engrossed in conversation, their laughter filling the space around us. It's comforting, like a soothing balm to my soul. I lean back in my seat, watching them, a small smile tugging at my lips despite the tears still glistening in my eyes.

"Hey, Shannen!" Theo calls out, breaking into my reverie. "Want to join us in planning the most fabulous post-Milan party? We need to celebrate your success!"

I chuckle softly, grateful for his infectious energy. "Sure, but only if you promise not to wear anything that blinds the guests."

Jane bursts into laughter. "I want to see that! Imagine a disco ball wearing a suit."

"I'll have you know that disco is making a comeback," Theo retorts, placing a hand over his heart in mock offense. "But seriously, we should plan something unforgettable. You deserve it after all the hard work you put in."

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