Chapter Five

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As i settle into my seat beside Theo, the plane hums softly around us. I glance out the window, marvelling at the clouds drifting by, when a wave of thirst hits me. The orange juice I just had is gone in an instant, leaving me craving more.

Just then, the flight attendant glides past, her cart loaded with drinks. I decide to make my move, pushing my seatbelt aside and standing up. Theo is engrossed in his notes, so I slip into the narrow aisle. 

 I walk toward the stewardess, I notice a tall figure behind the two passengers across from us—a striking man with tousled dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He's looking at me with an expression that feels oddly familiar, but I can't quite place him. I smile politely, hoping it's just a trick of the light.

"Excuse me," I say to the stewardess, who is busy pouring a drink. "Could I get another glass of orange juice, please?"

"Of course!" she replies, flashing a friendly smile as she fills my request.

With my drink in hand, I turn and make my way back to my seat. The tall man sitting behind Theo catches my eye, his expression curious but not overly familiar. I offer a polite smile, not lingering in my gaze, too focused on returning to Theo and settling in for the flight.

Once back in my seat, I take a refreshing sip of my orange juice, the coolness easing my thirst. Glancing out the window, my mind wanders to the adventures awaiting me in Milan, completely unaware of the interest brewing just behind me.

With my drink finished, I decide to shift my focus and pull out my sketchbook. Theo, asleep beside me, looks peaceful for the first time all day. He deserves the rest—Milan Fashion Week is as much his world as mine.

I gaze out the window, letting the passing clouds inspire me. The soft whites and pale blues of the sky give me an idea, and I start sketching a light, airy sundress—something simple and free, just like the view outside. It's minimalistic, with flowing fabric that moves like the wind, perfect for a relaxed summer collection.

Suddenly, Theo stirs next to me, stretching and blinking groggily. He glances over at my sketchbook, his eyes catching the lines of the dress.

"Oh, darling," he says with a yawn, "That's very... gentle." He reaches for his glasses, perching them on the bridge of his nose for a better look. "But it's missing something."

I look at him, surprised. "Gentle? It's just a simple dress inspired by the clouds."

He grins, his eccentric flair coming alive. "Exactly! But what if you added an unexpected twist? A dramatic asymmetrical hemline or bold, exaggerated sleeves? You're heading to Milan, after all. Push the boundaries!"

I pause, contemplating his words. "You mean something that stands out more?"

"Absolutely! Fashion is about taking risks. Make them remember your designs," he encourages, his enthusiasm infectious.

I smile, feeling inspired by his passion. "Alright, let me try adding some flair."

While diving deeper into our sketches, Theo leans over to get a better look at my work, his excitement palpable. "You know, this could be a great starting point for our next collaboration—mixing your elegance with my flair for the dramatic."

In the midst of our chat, the man gets up and heads toward the restroom, casting a glance in our direction. I can't shake the feeling of being watched, but I brush it off and focus on Theo's insights.

After a few moments, the man returns, and as he walks past us again, he accidentally bumps into Theo's arm. "Oh! Sorry about that," he says, his voice smooth and rich, with a slight British accent that adds an intriguing charm.

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