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There was a silence






''Okay so none of us know where to go so how do we get there." I put my phone in my pocket then I feel something, I grab it out and wow it's a map that I forgot about. ''u-umm I have a map, w-we could use it to find our-'' ''GIVE ME THAT'' I flinch at dusts voice and quickly scramble off the bed to give him the paper, I run outside out of fear when he grabs the paper out of my hands harshly.

No ones pov

''good job dust you just successfully sent someone off running in fear! It's only the first day too!'' killer cheered ''that's not something you should be cheering about killer'' cross frowned ''he was a really nice guy, you didn't need to do that'' Dust looked and cross and scoffed ''please it's not my fault he's a wimp. I didn't even hurt him I just talked to him'' ''yes but did you have to talk to him like that? Based on the time I was talking to him, he's very fragile.'' ''not my problem'' ''yes it is, and you're going to apologize to him'' dust rolled his eyes. ''and what if I don't?'' Cross walked up to dust ''I don't think you want to know" cross threatened, then walked away. Dust was scared, only because he's seen what cross has done before. Cross isn't that innocent. ''I-I'll apologize when we see him in the cafeteria, I swear'' ''talking about reaper'' nightmare cut in ''does he know where he's going?'' cross' eyes widen ''OH MY GODS, I don't think he does!! GUYS LETS GO NOW.'' cross dragged everyone out of the cabin and took the map with him, they reached there in time thankfully and sure enough, reaper was there standing on the sidelines since he didn't know where to sit. The group pushed some people off of a table and claimed it as theirs, cross waved reaper over and gestured him to sit next to dust. Dust took the hint and when reaper sat down he started apologizing ''hey reaper, sorry for being mean to ya earlier. Didn't mean it sorry'' reaper said it was okay and that it was his fault not dusts. The coach got their attention by blowing a whistle ''OKAY GUYS, IT MIGHT BE YOUR FIRST DAY BUT WE ARE GOING TO BE DOING A NATURE WALK TODAY. SO YOU GUYS CAN BE ABLE TO KNOW ABOUT THE FOREST THAT SURROUNDS US, YOU GUYS MIGHT GET LOST AND IF YOU DO DON'T WORRY  WE SEND OUT A RESCUE TEAM EVERY TIME ATLEAST 15 PEOPLE GO MISSING. IT MAY TAKE YOU DAYS, MONTHS, MAYBE EVEN YEARS! BUT WE HAVE PERMISSION FROM YOUR PARENTS TO DO SO, NOW GO GRAB YOUR BREAKFAST AND WHEN YOU'RE DONE MEET ME IN THE ENTRANCE OF THE FOREST'' the coach walks up to reaper ''kid just because you have that problem doesn't mean I will not let you go, so you better do something to suppress it okay?'' reaper nodded ''good'' the group goes inside the line, horror and killer at the front, dust and nightmare in the middle, error and reaper at the end. When they all sit down they start talking about why they were sent here ''me'n dusty got into a fight with some other people'' dust nodded while eating his food '' I wanted food but I had no money so I stole and my parents sent me here'' horror said while practically destroying his tray ''my mom said I was getting in the way of her and her 'precious son' that son is my brother, he didn't want me to go but oh well'' nightmare said after telling horror to slow down '' I have no idea why my dad sent me here'' error said while starting to eat his food ''my dad said I was 'imperfect' and wanted me to learn how behave better so'' cross just shrugged ''m-my dad sent me here because.. I-I punched someone?'' reaper lied. All the others did was stare at him ''yea- no- dude I just met you and you seem like the type of person that would feel bad if you didn't say good morning to everyone in the room'' killer said ''yeah plus you ran away when I talked to you in the cabin, I highly doubt you would hit anyone, let alone punch them'' dust agreed ''no offense, but your like the person that would rather keel over dead than say a curse word'' horror added ''you're also very fragile from what I've gathered so'' cross said while staring at his tray ''you look and act very nice, so I hate to agree with the others, but you would not punch someone'' nightmare said ''you also look really cute'' error complimented, which was the breaking point for reaper as he flushed a dark blue. reaper hid his head into his hood, while the others almost felt bad for embarrassing reaper so badly. Reaper only peeked out when he smelt something familiar, he saw coffee machine in the drink section and instantly jumped up and ran over to it. The others got startled when reaper jumped out of his seat and ran back into the line, they saw what he was running to and nightmare sighed ''oh great the person that seems so innocent loves coffee, I wonder what kind of coffee he likes?" nightmare thought out loud, dust snickered and said ''probably extra extra sweet'' ''nah I think its just some creamer'' killer said ''no it's going to be 90% creamer and 10% coffee'' horror laughed ''psh, more like 99% creamer and 1% coffee'' error joined ''Is it weird I think he'll get black coffee'' everyone just started at cross and started laughing, even nightmare ''really cross? you think that he would get black coffee? that's impossible!'' nightmare asked, reaper came back with a cup and wanted to see what all the commotion was ''H-hey guys, why are you guys laughing so hard?'' ''Its nothing, just what kind of coffee did you get?'' killer asked about to start laughing again until reaper said ''I got black coffee! I'm so glad they have it it's my favorite-'' ''WHAT!!!! YOU LIKE'' error cut himself of when he saw reaper flinch ''I mean, you like black coffee? like seriously??'' ''y-yeah? Is there something wrong?" ''no no- nothings wrong just unexpected'' dust assured. ''by the way.. aren't you gonna eat that?" horror pointed down to reaper forgotten tray ''hmm? oh, no I already cooked myself breakfast at home so don't worry, if you want you can have it'' ''okay, thanks reaper'' horror said skeptically, but still took the food. When they finished eating the group left without reaper because reaper said 'I'll catch up, I just need to talk about something to the coach' which was a complete lie, he just wanted to clean up the tables because all the other people (and monsters) left a mess. While Reaper was cleaning the tables he didn't see the custodians all gathered up against the door watching him clean the tables (better than how they do it) and get it done faster they they do to clean the tables. Reaper, satisfied with his work was about to leave with his bag until one of the custodians stopped him ''hey kid! yes you, thank you for cleaning up the mess the other kids left. as a thank you I'll let you keep as much snacks that can fit in your bag for the nature walk'' ''no thank you, it's fine you don't need to'' ''please I insist, and all the others want you to take them too right guys?'' the group said yes and reaper knew he wouldn't be getting out of this any time soon, agreed. ''that's all that it can fit, now hurry along boy, you might be late'' reaper nodded and thanked them and ran off to find his group.


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