Chapter 5 - First day of plan

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My diary...

Sunday, Amanda and my mom took me out for shopping and to get my hair cut. My beautiful long hair (TO MY GREATEST REGRET!!) was cut into layers, and it is so damn short, I can't even pull it into a ponytail. Actually, I can do that, but the stupid hair just slides out of the rubber band and sticks to my cheekbones and bangs that cover my forehead. My mom even bought a pair of lens, but I'd efficiently hid it in my closet somewhere. If I am going to stick to the plan, I'll do it on my terms.

Sunday ended too soon and the first day of the plan arrived. I wish I had some legit excuse to avoid attending school today. Sighing with frustration, I pushed myself off the bed and went looking for some nice outfit. My cell phone chirped, signaling a text message.

Amanda- Wear the dress I'd given you last month. :) x

I wondered what was in store for me this week. Starting to brush my teeth, I rummaged in the closet to search for that dress when George literally barged into my room, holding a paper in his hand and waving it in the air.

Already in a grumpy mood and irritated because I was sleep deprived, I snatched it from his hand. "Whasist?" I mumbled through my brush, quickly unfolding the paper and skimming through its content. I looked up at George in disbelief. He avoided meeting my eyes and stared at my toothbrush. I spat the paste into the sink and rushed back into my room.

"Are you serious?" I asked him incredulously. "This?" I shook the paper in his face. "Are you freaking kidding me?" A hysterical laugh bubbled out of me before I could stop it.

He held both his hand up in defense. "Look, I was not the one who said anything. You, yourself accepted this. And I swear this won't be that bad. C'mon Tina it's high time you had a total makeover."

"Stupid of me to accept this shitty plan!" I grumbled to myself and thought about the way Maxwell made me give in. Another question rose up "Tell me the truth. Who actually started with the makeover plan? You, Adam or Max?"

George grimaced and rubbed his hand at the back of his neck. "I'll tell you once you get 'ready'." He quoted the words and after mussing my hair left to get ready. My eyes once again wandered to the paper he had given me.


Week-1. Makeover of Tina.

1) Wear a dress / sleeveless top with a skirt. Anything. As long as it doesn't include your regular stuff
2) Wear light makeup! (NOT optional!)
3)  Socialize with everyone!
4)  TALK with boys!
5)  STYLE your hair! Don't tie it up


I tossed the paper aside and continued my hunt. That dress was neatly folded in one corner of the closet. Amanda had given that to me for my mom's birthday party. But as expected I didn't wear it. I bet she was really happy and dancing in her room right now. She wanted me to wear that thing so badly and now her wish was coming true.

I put on a big fake smile on my face and quickly got ready. The dress had netted full sleeves, cream color, soft as cotton and knee-length. I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt like some sort of Barbie doll because I'd never worn any girly clothes after passing eighth grade. Mom and dad kept insisting but they both gave up once I tore up some clothes. Mind you, I don't lose my temper that easily. I was just being a rebel, I guess.

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