Chapter 9 - Dinner and Revenge

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7:00 pm.

Time flies quickly whenever it realized that a person was avoiding something or didn't want the time to end. I spent the entire day coming up with scenarios, most of them as dramatic as my life was now. I was excited, and at the same time nervous about meeting Adam and Max. I had met their parents, but we were children then. 

As Amanda would have said, Calm down, Tina! It is just dinner. 

I decided to wear my comfy clothes: tight black jeans with a black full-sleeved top. My hair refused to cooperate so I tied it into a ponytail, bangs framing my cheeks and forehead. Since I wasn't in school, their makeover rules didn't apply.

I was sitting in the living room with George, who was glancing at the door impatiently every five seconds. I elbowed him playfully and he just grinned back.

"So, ready to rock and roll?"

I gave him a weird look. "What's there to rock and roll for? This is just dinner." 

We heard the sound of a car parking in our driveway. My heart started thundering. I wondered who had arrived first. George winked at me before getting up to open the door. Mrs Grant stepped in along with Max and his father. Mom and Dad both rushed out to greet them. I just stood up and watched the scene.

Max resembled his parents so much. His mother was petite, brunette hair and had startlingly golden eyes, just like Alice's eyes in Twilight. That's my favourite series. Aren't Bella and Edward the cutest couple? (Sorry, my thoughts wander off quite often). His dad's height was more than 6 feet, No wonder Max towered over almost many boys. He shared the same brown hair and hazel eyes like his dad.

As I was looking at them, they all turned to greet me, all at once. Overwhelmed by their attention, I walked towards them, my hands slightly shaking and put on my huge smile.

"Hi!" I said. I spared one look at Max who wasn't looking at me all. Instead, he was staring at his shoes. Why was I feeling depressed by that?

"Tina!" gasped Mrs Grant. "It's finally nice to meet you. When was the last time we met? You were this cute munchkin!" She giggled, "I heard Adam's finally asked you out!" She pulled me into a hug. I was uncomfortable. I didn't like being hugged by people, even though she was my mom's friend. I placed my hand on her back lightly and pulled back.

I smiled at his dad who grinned back. Wow, just like Max. We all walked to the living room and the parents' started to chatter among themselves. I stood for a minute then decided to go to my room and wait for Adam. But George made me sit beside him and Max sat beside me.

"The emo girl is back," Max whispered in my ears.

I glowered at him, "At least emo is better than a playboy!" I retorted.

George started guffawing loudly and accidentally slipped off the couch. Max stared at me wide-eyed. "What did you say?"

I replied haughtily, "You're not deaf now, are you?" 

He raised his eyebrows. "What's with you? You never gave such snarky remarks before."

I shrugged. "I don't know. But isn't this what you guys wanted? The plan does want me to change, right?"

Before he could reply, the doorbell chimed and I knew it was Adam. I quickly ran to the door before anyone else could even stand up and opened it to see Adam's excited face staring at me.

"Hey!" He greeted and stepped in, his parents followed after him. They told me that Adam had liked me for years (which I don't believe at all). After a whole 15 minutes of 'how are yous', everyone settled down for some hearty chat while we four teens huddled in a corner. I was bored, Adam was listening attentively to his parents, Max and George were playing some game. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, sat on the counter and started texting Amanda.

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