Chapter 9

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When Jungkook got home,he found his parents in the living room waiting for him. He greeted them and sat on the opposite couch.

"Where have you been Koo?" Asked his mother.

"I told Appa I was at a friend's house."

"Is that friend's name happens to be Park Jimin?"

Jungkook didn't know what to do or say, his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Your father asked you a question Jungkook. "

"Well..yes it is Park Jimin." Jungkook knew that hell was about to break loose.

"OK please enlighten us about this new friend of yours. How long have you know each other?" His father was so calm which scared the sh*t out of Jungkook.
You know the saying "calm before the storm" this situation right here was exactly it.

Deep down Jungkook knew that his parents already know about his relationship with Jimin but instead of just saying the truth, he decided to test the waters.

"We met at the beginning of the semester. My Hyungs introduced me to him and his best friend..."

"Kim Taehyung." Finished his father.

"Y..yes and from there we became so close, he is a good person."

"Good person who lives in the dumpsters." His mother scoffed.

"It doesn't matter where he comes from or where he lives."

"Oh my stupid son but it does, you see Jungkook I've worked so hard for everything I have  today and mostly this family's reputation and you just want to drag our family name through the mud huh. What is it that I didn't do for you as a father huh?"

Jungkook was serious getting p**sed at his parents for acting like they are the best parents in the whole world and while they are tormenting his life making him miserable.

"That's all you care about father, your money and reputation what about your son huh how about me?" Jungkook was now raising his voice.

"Don't talk to your father like that Jungkook." Cautioned his mother.

"Jungkook you don't lack anything. I'm working so hard so that this family will live a good life and this is the thanks I get huh." Shouted his father.

"What exactly did I do father, please enlighten it just because some of my friend's doesn't meet your standards?"

"I warned you countless times not to defy me but you did exactly that. What makes you think you have a power to challenge me huh?"

"I'm not challenging you father I just want to live my life the way I see fit,, it's my life after all."

"Oh is it...well does living your life includes shoving your tongue down this boy's throat?"  Screamed his father while throwing a brown envelope towards Jungkook.

Jungkook was shaking he didn't know what to say, just like that his father found out about him and Jimin. He picked the envelope and opened, when he took out the pictures his felt his soul living his body. There he was with Jimin on their little secret dates or so they thoughts.

"Father I can explain..."


"I love him father, I love him so much.." he was now whipping like a hungry baby.

"You are engaged to be married to Jessica and that will never change and thanks to her I found out about this. What the hell were you thinking humiliating me like that huh what will my business associates think .."

"I told you I don't love Jess father you forced her on me, it is Jimin that I love and it's Jimin I will marry."

"Well how can you marry him when he's wiped off from the face of the earth?"

"What do you mean?"

"I told you that I won't let you drag my name through the mud so you'll not go near that boy or have any contacts with him whatsoever or I'll remove him myself from your life."

"Father please don't touch him he didn't do anything." Pleaded Jungkook.

"That is totally up to you Jungkook, his life and that of his family is in your hands."


"We'll still discuss how you wasted my money in that college doing music and what what, while I send you to do business management."

The confrontation went on and on and all Jungkook could do was agree to whatever his father was saying because he didn't want to put Jimin's life in danger so it was best to do whatever his father says.

His parents ended up making the preparations to send him to the military college, he will finish his studies there and when he comes back, him and Jessica will get married and he will start working at his father's company.


Jimin has been trying to reach Jungkook on the phone the whole weekend with no avail. He even tried asking their friends but they also haven't heard from him so he was really getting worried.

On Monday Jungkook wasn't at school and his phone is still not going through. His friends promised to go to his house and check on him after classes.

After his classes, Jimin was waiting for Taehyung outside when a black SUV stopped infront of him. A man in a black suit got out of the car and approached him.

Jimin is it....


Mr Jeon will like to have a word with you...

Mr Jeon...?

Yes jungkook's father, this way please...

The man guided him towards the car where Jungkook's father was waiting for him. He made his way towards the car, to say he was nervous was an understatement his heart was beating out of his chest. The man opened the door and he got in.

"G..good afternoon Mr Jeo...Jeon ." Jimin cursed himself for stuttering so much but what can he do, he was super nervous.

"Afternoon Jimin.. listen kid I don't want to beat around the bush. I know the things you've been doing with my son, I don't know what you've been feeding him but whatever it is it's ends here, am I clear?" Jungkook's father was surprisingly calm but the aura he was emitting was dangerous.


"I'm talking to you kid...

Y..yes s..sir..

"Good, this is what you going to do. You'll not look for him, stop trying to contact him and forget about him or else I'll make him suffer for your little shenanigans. You see Jimin I have nothing against you but my son is already engaged and he's an heir to the Jeon empire so he needs a strong partner who's of the same status by his side and you are... well you are just you and it won't work trust me. So do you both a favor and just forget about him, he's already forgotten about you the minute I told him to. He gave me this letter to give to you here." He handed Jimin the letter and they said their goodbyes and his father drove off.

Jimin was shuttered, his heart was broken to many pieces and didn't have the energy to wait for Taehyung anymore he just walked to the bus stop. All he wanted was to go and hide himself in the comfort of his room and cry his heart out.

To be continued...

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