Chapter 10

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Warning: they'll be mentions of death so beware..

Weeks went by and Jimin lost his spark, he looked like a walking zombie and his friends were worried about him. They haven't heard anything from Jungkook for months now and their friendship group was never the same. Lunchbreaks, small gatherings, birthday celebrations everything was now dull and void but they had to go on, they had to finish school and continue with their lives but without forgetting Jungkook ofcourse. They still had hope of seeing him one day well except for Jimin, who knew that it was impossible to be with Jungkook ever again even if he comes back.

One day he came back from the campus expecting to find his Grandma on the porch knitting or drinking her herbal tea waiting for him as always but she wasn't there. He didn't think much of it until he entered his house, everything was a mess. The couches in the living room were upside down, vases were broken the whole living area and kitchen was a mess. He got so scared and started calling out his mother and grandma and he was greeted with silence. He decided to go look for them in their rooms, he went around the kitchen counter and tripped and when he look down he found his mother laying there in a pool of her own blood. 

He felt his soul living his body, he was trembling he couldn't even scream at that moment because of the shock. He crouched down and started sobbing silently. Soon enough he found his voice and started screaming for his mother to wake up, he was shaking her to no avail. He took his phone out of his pocket and started dialing emergency services even though it was hard explaining everything because he was a crying mess and he was struggling to breathe but he managed to give them the details. More panick settled in  when he remembered about his grandmother, with difficulty he left his mother there and started looking for his grandma. He found her in the hall way unconscious too.

The ambulance got there with the police. Jimin was crying on Taehyung's shoulders while Tae was comforting him. Amidst to the chaos Jimin managed to send Taehyung an SOS message and Tae didn't waste any time he sprinted to Jimin's house to find this horrific situation.

The police took his statement and promise to give him the feedback if they find something. They were now in the hospital waiting for an update from the doctors on how his mom and grandma are doing.

"Minnie please stop pacing back and forth you'll get dizzy just sit down and wait please everything will be ok." Cried Tae

"I can't Tae, I'm so scared who did this to them huh who.. they didn't trouble anyone. What am I going to do without them Tae."  Jimin was sobbing uncontrollably.

Soon their friends got there and engulfed Jimin in a bone crushing hug and whispered comforting and encouraging words to Jimin which fell on Def  ears.

"OK, at least please sit Minnie before you collapse."
They heard a gasp from Jimin.

" What if Jungkook's father did this, what if he is the one who hurt my parents.. oh what have I done to them." Jimin was now struggling to breath,  he was hyperventilating.

Hoseok rushed to get him some water and force him to drink it which helped for a little while.

"I don't think so Minnie, you haven't seen Jungkook for months, you stayed away from him like he stated so he doesn't have a reason to do this."

"Then who huh who would want to hurt them like this and for what..."

Soon they heard the door opening and they got on their feet rushing to the doctor.

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