Chapter 11

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It's been months without seeing Jimin or any of his friends. Jungkook was having a very hard time in the military college. They were told what to do, when to wake up and when to eat, for someone who was told what to do all his life, it wasn't that hard. What was hard is not being able to be with his friends or his beautiful boyfriend or ex boyfriend since he was forced to break things off with Jimin.

He still remember that unfortunate day like it was yesterday. The heartbreak, the tears he shared, that's the day he died inside.

The graduation day was nearing and he should be happy that it's almost over, he was leaving this horrible place but he dreaded going back. One because he doesn't know how his friends will receive him after disappearing on them without an explanation, two going back means marrying Jessica which he hated by all his being but he has to do it in order to protect the love of his life..his Jimin. Lastly and the most difficult part was seeing Jimin, he was sure he hated him at this point especially after reading what he wrote on that letter...

With Jimin...

Jimin hasn't got any positive feedback from the police in regards to who attacked his mother and grandmother and as a results he couldn't go back to live in that house with his mother's condition.

It's been two months since the incident and his mother was fully healed ,her wounds but the other condition was still the same. Jimin's mother was practically a vegetable, she hasn't moved at all or reacted to any therapy attempts but Jimin wasn't going to give up on her. He has hope that one day she will come out of it and tell him exactly who attacked them.

Jimin had a door bell and rushed to open it knowing that it was his best friend...

"Baby bear.." shouted Jimin while throwing himself on Tae with full force.

"Hi Minnie aren't you too excited to see me.." Tae chuckled.

"It's get lonely in this huge mansion, mom can't talk and Taemin is always at the hospital so I'm always alone and also I missed you so much.. we were always together everyday but now we live so far apart and it's hard sharing you with Yoongi Hyung I'm so used to having you all to myself." Whined Jimin on Tae's chest.

After their heartfelt embrace Jimin detangled himself from his best friend and ushered him to come in. Taehyung was looking around the house with amazement.

"Waaaaaaah I can't believe you upgraded so much Minnie and had the nerve of living me in the dumpsters, I feel so betrayed.." whined Tae with a dramatic pout.

"Don't be such a baby Tae, firstly you don't live in the dumpsters and secondly I asked you to come with me but you refused so don't say such nonsense, you are still welcome to move in.."

"As much as I would love to come and live here like a prince like I deserve but unfortunately  I can't live my parents by themselves, they will die without me you know I'm their oxygen..they can't breathe when I'm not around." Said Taehyung playfully.

"Yeah right.." Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"OK fine you know how the guys feel about your new arrangement and they understand your situation they do but it's just that with this whole Jungkook situation and you getting married shocked them and they don't want to take sides. So if i move in here my Yoonie won't be able to come see me whenever he wants."

"Understandably so.."

"Yeah so the guys decided not to attend either of your weddings, Hoseokie's exact words were... I won't sweat myself looking for a beautiful lady to accompany me to weddings of two foolish cowards who rather suffer than fight for their love.."

Jimin laughed a little.."that sounds like Hobi Hyung."

"Don't get me started on Soekjin Hyung, apparently he's too handsome for all this stress you'all causing him and worse, his loving boyfriend has to attend that sham of a wedding you know best man kind of sh*t poor Joon."

Jimin was laughing so hard despite all the chaos around him, he was greatfull for his friends and their drama.

"On a serious note Minnie are sure about this marriage thing with Dr Taemin?" Asked with worry.

"I'm not sure of anything in my life right now bear and marrying Taemin isn't so bad. He's a good Man and he's taking care of my mother and I. The state my mother is in, made everything so difficult and I'm greatfull to Dr Lee and his kindness."

" I understand baby hopefully everything will work out in the end. I can't believeyou getting married before me, you who found relationships unnecessary and a waste of time." Said Tae with a sigh.

"How is he..have you seen him?"

"How is who...oh please not that f**ker Jeon Jungkook pssssst no I haven't seen him and I don't want to ever lay my eyes on him because if I do he'll be a dead man. Minnie let's not talk about that disease I'll puke.. how's aunt Solidad any improvement?"

Jimin sighed.." unfortunately no she's still the same but what  confuses us with Taemin is that she doesn't move at all but when I feed her she opens her mouth and she can also chew and swallow so I don't know,  this is all so confusing..."


It's been a few weeks since everything happened and as Jimin said, he was no longer able to keep his mother in that hospital because they didn't have medical aid and the fact that they no longer had a home to go back to because he was Hella scared that whomever killed his grandma and wounded his mother will definitely come back to finish what he started, and to top it all off he was graduating in a few days.

"Jimin your mother is almost completely healed there's no danger to her health except for  the unexplainable situation she's in so you can take her home after your graduation."

Thank you Dr Lee...

Jimin what did I say about the "dr" thing please call me Taemin I'm older so I'm technically your Hyung... the doctor said with a smile.

Oh yes Taemin Hyung.. thank you so much for everything you've done for me and especially my mom...

Jimin it's okay I was doing my job as I said before no need to thank me okay but outside of this Dr and patient relationship I have a proposal for you and please note that you can turn me down if you want, it's totally OK. I don't want you to feel like I'm taking advantage of your situation...

O..ok I.. I'm listening...

This how Dr Taemin told him about his dying father's last wish and the condition of claiming his inheritance before it goes to his greedy uncle.

Jimin was skeptical about the whole thing but weighing his options and not to mention how this whole arrangement will save him from the predicament he was in right now cause honestly he won't be able to cater for his sick mother, he just graduated from college and this weight was on his shoulders.


Ever since he graduated and came back, Jungkook is always cooped up in his room only coming out for his meals. His friends came by when they heard he was back. Jungkook told them everything from breaking Jimin's heart into million pieces after promising to fight for their love to his disappearance for months without contact.

They sympathized with him but there's nothing they can do either since Jimin's life was in stake. After hearing his friends telling him about the attack in Jimin's house which left his mother paralyzed and his grandmother dead, Jungkook was ready to end his life along with his father's because how can he do that after promising not to touch Jimin as long as Jungkook did what he was told to do which he did.

That night the Jeon household almost burned to ashes with Jungkook's rage. His father assured him that he wasn't the one who ordered an attack on Jimin's family, why would he when he had nothing to gain, his will was being carried out. So Jungkook made his mission to find out who exactly attacked Jimin's family he owed him that much.

To be continued...

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