Chapter 2

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It's been a few days since that starring contest between the two boys in the cafeteria, and boyyy Jungkook hasn't been able to forget that beautiful face. It was currently at night and was already under the cover ready to sleep.

Jungkook's pov:

I've been trying to gather up the courage to talk to Jimin ..yes I now know his name and can I just say his name is just as beautiful as he is. Well maybe if I can start by greeting him you know break the ice. Jungkook's thought were interrupted by his phone ringing...he looked at the caller Id and picked up..

Hobi Hyung ...

  What's up Kook...?

I am good what's up..

Just wanted to know if everything is OK with you, u've been oddly quiet this past few days.

Yeah I am ok, just that my father has been on my case a lot recently it is getting worse..

I'm sorry man let us know if there's anything we can do for you alright..

Sure Hyung thank you very much..

Don't mention it we are family remember..
Anyway that is not the only reason I called by they way..

What is it Hyung ...?

Well we've been noticing you getting lost at a certain boy in the cafeteria, do you have something to tell us...?

I don't know what you talking about .

Oh should I describe him to freshen your memory or how you practically drool over him..



Ok fine his name is Park Jimin and we in the same music class and I'm kind of attracted to him ok...

Then why don't you ask him out?

Come on Hyung I can't just come up to him and say "hey will you go out with me ..

Duh of course genius you have to greet him first and introduce yourself.


Anyways I have to bounce talk to you later ..oh and Koo go to him he might be good for you.. Bye.

I will Bye Hyung.

Great now my friends will pressure me to approach Jimin but you know what tomorrow I will talk to him. With that being said Jungkook switched off the lights and fell asleep with a certain boy in his mind.


It was currently Friday morning...

Authors pov:

Jungkook was woken by his father's voice calling him downstairs.
With a groan he woke up and decided to just fix himself for college before going downstairs to his father.
After he was done he went straight to the lounge where his father was waiting for him wearing his expensive 3 piece suit.
"Father you called". Said Jungkook sitting on a couch opposite his father. "As soon as your classes end come back home immediately we are having dinner with the Choi's today".
"Oh what's the occasion..another successful business deal"? Asked Jungkook.
"Stop asking me questions and return home as quickly as you can son". Finished his while standing and buttoning his coat and walking towards the door.

With a huff Jungkook stood up and went to the kitchen to have his breakfast before living for school.
While having his breakfast he had footsteps, while raising his head he saw his mother descending the stairs.
"Oh Koo you haven't left yet, did your father tell you about the dinner with the Choi's today"? Asked his mother sitting down while the maids served her breakfast. Jungkook nodded while standing to leave. Well " don't be late"  shouted his mother who only got a thumbs up as a reply.

Jungkook got to his first class late as usual and after bowing to the professor he went to sit next to the boy he longed for instead of his usual sit which is at the back.

Jimin's pov:

What the hell why is he sitting next to me instead of going to sit at the back..
"Uhm excuse me Hello. Why are you sitting here.."? I asked him.
"Well is this sit reserved for someone? I saw it was empty and i decided to sit here is there a problem?
Jimin was fighting with himself in his mind.
" Well no I didn't re..reserve it for an...anyone" what the hell why am I stuttering.. Jimin internally scolded himself.
"Oh good by the way I'm Jeon Jungkook" said Jungkook extending his hand for a handshake.
"Park Jimin" . I said without looking his way or shaking his hand.
"Mr Park and Mr Jeon you are disturbing my class" Said the professor.
I gave Jungkook a side eye and we said our apologies to the professor and the lesson continued.
Soon the bell rang indicating the next period and I was glad because I didn't share that class with Jungkook.

It was lunchbreak Jimin and Taehyung were having their lunch in the cafeteria and Jimin was telling Tae about all that happened during the first period.
"But Minnie he so hot"..said Taehyung with a whiney voice. "Of course you will say that Tae". Replied Jimin with a scoff. "Well don't tell me you not even a slightest attracted to him".
"NO I mean he is good looking but I am not attracted to  him".
"Well suit yourself". After saying that the was silence between the friends, they continued with their meal and Jimin kept taking glances at a male he's "not attracted to".

At the other table....

"So Kook what did do you about what we talked about yesterday "? Asked Hoseok.
"Hobi Hyung please not now.."
Begged Jungkook.
"What are you two talking about"? Asked one of the friends.
" well our Kook here has a crush on a certain beautiful boy but he is afraid to ask him out". Sing sang Hoseok.
"Oh that". Said the group of friends.
Jungkook raised his head from his plate and look at his friends with shock.
"Well Koo it's hard not to notice you drooling at that boy, ask him out already". Said Yoongi one of the friends.
"Well i introduced myself to him today in class".
"And nothing that's it".
His friends looked at him like his grown two heads.
"OK don't worry bub we are here for you and since our lunch break is almost over we will fix this situation for you tomorrow". Said Jin.
"WHAT! no no no guys don't intervene I will it do myself". Insisted Jungkook because knowing his friends they will do something to embarrass him.
"Don't worry Koo we got you"
With that being said the group of friends got up ready to go to their respective classes since the lunch break was over.


Wheeew chapter 2 is out guys and I know it is kind of boring but I don't want to rush the story line, I want to make it seem as real as possible and it will get better in the coming chapters. Thank you for reading and if there's any mistakes please forgive me😊

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