Chapter 13

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"Jimin you are getting married tomorrow..."

"Stop shouting Tae..."

"What were you thinking Minnie, ha! what am I even saying ofcourse you weren't thinking..."

"I wanted closure Tae so we talked and one thing led to another and here I am..."

"You both are getting married and most importantly HE SHREDDED YOUR HEART PARK JIMIN!!!..."

"And I hate him for it I really do, he wasn't even man enough to fight for us but just gave in to his father's demands..."

(Jungkook didn't tell him about his father's threats to end his life)

"So what happened yesterday huh where was the hate?"

"I love him Tae that hasn't changed and seeing him in that state broke me and as I said I needed closure and what happened had to happen, anyway I'm getting married tomorrow so lets do the final touch ups.."

"I can't believe you and trust me this isn't over.." Said Tae while hugging his baby.

The two friends started the final preparations for tomorrow, it wasn't much because Taemin hired a wedding planner even though no feelings were involved but this was a real wedding. They were both sacrificing themselves for different reasons but they needed to enjoy themselves.


"Was the hotel necessary Jungkook?"

"I wanted us to talk without being disturbed or being afraid to be seen together. Are you hungry or do you need something to drink oh what am I asking you already drunk a lot..."


"Not that it's a bad thing I mean you sobered up so you can drink, not that I want to get you dru...



"You are blabbering I'm fine I don't need anything to drink.."

"Oh sorry I'm just nervous.."

"Let's just get this done and over with, I need to go back home.."

"I just want to start by apologizing for breaking the promises I made and I know that makes me a weak man, a coward who can't stand up to his father.."

"That's you are.." whispered Jimin.

"I know my apologies won't take away the pain I've inflicted on you nor will it right my wrongs but..."

"It's okay Jungkook, obviously I'm hurts but there's nothing we can do about it. We are both getting married so let's forget about this."

They continued chatting about their situation trying to make peace with the situation they were in because no matter how much they wanted to change they can't, there's a lot at stake.



I don't think I will be able to live without you...

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