Chapter 18

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Author's POV

"Everything you asked for is in here." The private investigator handed Jennie a thick manila envelope. She nodded while taking the envelope from his hands.

"Thanks. This will be very useful" the manipulative woman replied. She watched the investigator leave, then quickly retreated to her private library and locked the door behind her. She settled into her leather chair and carefully opened the envelope.

Pulling out a stack of documents, she began to read the file on X. The pages provided a meticulously detailed account of X’s history. X had worked as Sana's manager for only a few months from eight years ago before resigning due to their tumultuous relationship.

According to the reports, their professional relationship had been dominated by tension and frequent clashes.

The manipulative woman smirked as she read further. Rumors about X’s financial problems were abundant. X often gambled. They owed money to loan sharks and even to Sana herself. It seemed they had never paid the cold woman back which drove her to the brink of her patience.

"Interesting. So, X was a mess all along. No wonder they clashed with that ice queen" she muttered to herself.

She continued to read. Her fingers tapped rhythmically on the armrest of her chair. "Gambling, debts, loan sharks... this just keeps getting better. I wonder how many more secrets you’re hiding, X."

She flipped through the documents. She discovered details about X’s ties to certain unsavory characters in the gambling world. Jennie’s smile grew wider. "These connections could be very useful. Leverage is always a good thing to have" she mused.

Jennie leaned back in her chair after she read the documents. She dialed the number of her private investigator. Her mind was already forming a plan.

"Hey, I need another favor. Do you know where X lives? I want to meet them and offer a... small donation to help them out" she asked when he answered.

"I have that information. I’ll text it to you now" the investigator replied.

The manipulative woman smiled satisfied. "That's great. You're a lifesaver."

Hanging up, she twirled a pen between her fingers. She's lost in thought. "This is going to be perfect. If I can get X on my side, it'll be a lot easier to drive a wedge between Sana and (Y/N). X owes Sana money and loan sharks. They'll be desperate enough to take any help they can get."

Her phone buzzed to signal the arrival of the investigator’s text. She read it and noted the address. "Time to set things in motion." She stood up and grabbed her handbag.

She made her way to her car and  continued to plot. "Once I get X to cooperate, I can use them to create more tension between that Japanese woman and my (Y/N). That ice queen’s tough exterior will only push him further away. When he’s vulnerable, I’ll be there to pick up the pieces."

She drove through the city to rehearse her pitch. "X needs money. I can provide that. In return, they’ll help me by stirring the pot a bit. It’s a win-win situation."

"It’s only a matter of time before (Y/N) is mine. That ice queen won't know what hit her. Soon, (Y/N). Very soon."


Protagonist’s POV

I grabbed Sana's hand to stop her from walking away. "Sana, wait! You need to listen to me!"

She forcefully disengaged my hand from hers. "I don't need to listen to anything! I can't believe you let those devils visit without even telling me. This is all about that stupid dinner, isn't it?"

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