Chapter 12

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Protagonist’s POV

I was overjoyed when Sana announced she was taking a hiatus to focus on her mental health. It was a perfect chance for me to help her regain her memory and spend precious time with my beloved fiancée. Right now, I lay on her lap while her fingers delicately stroked my hair. Producing Jennie's song has worn me out lately. This peaceful morning in our bedroom made everything worthwhile.

The morning sun streamed through the curtains to cast a soft and warm glow over the room. The air was rich in the scent of fresh flowers from the garden. It merged into the faint aroma of Sana’s favorite perfume. Birds chirped harmoniously outside. It added a serene soundtrack to our quiet moment together.

"You look so exhausted, love. How long were you at the studio last night?" Sana’s voice carried that familiar cold edge softened just for me.

"Too long. But it's all worth it, knowing I get to spend mornings like this with you." I closed my eyes as her fingers worked their magic through my hair.

She chuckled, which was both mocking and affectionate. "You should know better than to push yourself so hard. I can't have my future husband looking like a zombie, can I?"

I laughed. I felt the tension melt away. "I'll be fine. Especially when you take care of me like this."

Sana's fingers paused for a moment, then she cupped my face. She tilted my head up to meet her gaze. "I hate seeing you this tired, (Y/N). Promise me you won't overdo it again."

"I promise. Anything for you" I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed it tenderly.

She flashed a rare and beautiful smile. "Good. Now, let’s just enjoy this morning together. No distractions."

We stayed like that for a while as we wrapped ourselves in each other’s presence. The world outside seemed distant and unimportant. All that mattered was the love and warmth we shared in that moment.

Sana’s fingers resumed their strokes and I felt myself drifting off. I was lulled by the comfort and security of her touch. "You know, I can’t wait for all the mornings we’ll spend together like this" I murmured sleepily.

"Neither can I. For now, just rest. You’ve earned it" she replied in a rare tenderness.

I let my eyes close to feel her fingers continue their soothing rhythm. The morning was perfect, like a beautiful reminder of why I worked so hard—to build a life where moments like these were the norm, not the exception.

Sana leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Sleep well, hubby. I’ll be right here when you wake up."

"I love you" I whispered when sleep finally claimed me.

"I love you too" she replied in a barely audible voice that made my heart skip a beat.

While lost in my dreamland, my phone notified me of a message. Sana was startled a bit by the sound. She reached over to grab it. She checked the screen and her eyes narrowed when she saw the sender's name: Jennie. The message wasn't work-related at all. It was flirty to push Sana's patience to the limit.

Sana's icy glare fixed on the phone as she read the message aloud. She mimicked Jennie's voice in a mocking, high-pitched tone. "Hey, (Y/N)! Just thinking about you. Can't wait to see you again! Haa? Nanyanen, ano onna wa (Ugh, who does she think she is)?"

She immediately dialed Jennie's number. The sharp precision of her fingers indicated just how furious she was. The phone rang a few times before Jennie picked up. She masked her sweet voice through the line.

"Hey, (Y/N)! What's up?"

"It's not him, it's his fiancée. I suggest you stop sending these ridiculous messages to my fiancé" she spat colder than ice.

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