Chapter 23

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It's been a week now since the day at the restaurant. Alex is currently on a business trip and will return in three days. I miss him so much. Alex has become someone who understands everything about me without needing to be told. I feel so guilty, like I'm betraying him in a sense. Once he returns from the trip, I will tell him the truth. I don't want him to learn it from anyone else but me.

I was on my way home when Sia texted me that we are going to have a girl's night tonight. It's Friday, so we can enjoy ourselves until late. I left work early as we didn't have much to do today. I reached home at six and went straight to shower.

After a refreshing shower, I felt a bit more relaxed. I changed into my favorite comfy clothes and started preparing some snacks for the evening. Sia arrived around seven, her arms laden with bags of chips, a couple of bottles of wine, and a look of excitement.

"Hey, Samy!" she greeted me with a hug. "I brought reinforcements for our girls' night!"

"Hey, Sia! Perfect timing," I said, smiling. "I was just finishing up with the snacks."

We settled down in the living room, the table in front of us covered with snacks, drinks, and a couple of our favorite chick flicks queued up on the TV. After some casual chit-chat, Sia turned to me with a more serious expression.

"So, what's going on, Sam? You seemed a bit off lately," she said, concern evident in her voice.

I sighed, taking a sip of my wine for courage. "It's about Alex. I need to tell him the truth when he gets back from his trip. I've been feeling so guilty about it, and I can't keep it from him any longer."

Sia's eyes widened slightly, but she nodded, understanding. "You mean about the fake marriage?"

"Yeah," I confirmed, my voice trembling slightly. "He thinks I've been married before, but I haven't. It was just a story we made up so I could work in his company."

Sia leaned in closer, listening intently. "Oh, Samy. That must have been eating you up inside. But you know what? The fact that you want to tell him the truth shows how much you care about him and your relationship."

"I hope he understands," I said quietly. "I don't want to lose him over this. He's been so good to me, and I just... I can't bear the thought of hurting him."

Sia placed a comforting hand on my arm. "He loves you, Samy. And if he truly loves you, he'll understand. Just be honest and tell him everything. He deserves to know the real you, just like you deserve to be loved for who you are."

We sat in silence for a moment, the weight of my confession hanging in the air. But with Sia's support and encouragement, I felt a bit more prepared to face the inevitable conversation with Alex. Our girls' night continued, filled with laughter, stories, and the warmth of friendship, giving me the strength, I needed to finally come clean.

After three days

Today Alex is coming back from his business trip. My heart is a mix of excitement and nervousness as I prepare for his arrival. I spent the morning tidying up his house and making sure everything was perfect for his return. Yes, he gave me keys to his house, so that I could visit him whenever I wanted. He did not leave any room for argument, I also didn't deny him. I hope, he is in a good mode. I even cooked his favorite meal, hoping to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

By the afternoon, I found myself constantly checking the clock, each passing minute intensifying the fluttering in my stomach. Finally, I heard the familiar sound of keys jingling at the door. I took a deep breath and forced a smile, determined to stay calm.

The door opened, and Alex walked in, his face lighting up with a smile when he saw me. "Love! I've missed you so much," he said, dropping his bags and pulling me into a tight embrace and kissing me allover my face.

"I've missed you too, Alex," I replied, hugging him back just as tightly. "How was your trip?"

"It was good, but exhausting, I couldn't talk to you for five days" he said, pulling back slightly to look at me. "But I'm happy that you are here, and that's all that matters," he said kissing my lips deeply.

I pulled back when I was out of breath. He joined his forehead with mine and said
"Gosh I missed your lips so much love". I smiled slightly and looked up at him. This man was doing magic on me. I could listen to him all day. I pulled back from him and pushed him into the bathroom.

He finally freshened up and came downstairs where I had set up the table with his favorite food. He smiled at me and pulled a chair for me and him.

"I'm so happy that you are here and you cooked all this for me," he said looking at me with a bright smile.

"Thank you, my love, I really appreciate this," he added kissing my knuckles.

"You don't need to thank me, Alex, I do this because I want to show my love to you," I added while putting some chicken on his plate.

"Once again, thank you love, this is very delicious," he said while eating the chicken.

We ate the meal with me trying to master up courage into telling him the truth. Alex told me about his trip. The dinner was over now and we were now sitting on the couch, with me sitting on his lap and his hands on my waist.

"Alex, I want to tell you something," I said holding his hand in mine and moving from his lap to sit beside him.

"What is it, love, you seem to be tense, is everything ok," he asked turning towards me.

"Yah... its just that I'm," I was about to continue when Alex's phone rang.

"Go ahead pick it, it must be important" I said looking at him.

He mouthed a sorry to me and picked it.

"What?" he sounded tense.

"I will be there in five minutes," he said standing up and hung up the phone.

"Alex is everything ok," I said holding his hands.

"My mom... she got into an accident, we need to go to the hospital," he said looking at me with tearful eyes. He looked lost. Oh god.

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