Chapter 03

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Exactly three days later, Dunk receives a text from an unknown number...

'You look so sweet like watermelon sugar on a hot summer day... Oh, wait... it's mostly summer in Thailand... So that means every day...'

What the hell is going on????!! Who is this? Except for a few friends at the uni, no one else had his number. He had a different number for family and Khao and Pooh. So whoever this is... it has to be someone from the uni...

Wait.... is it.. that Joong guy...?!

Dunk took a screenshot and forwarded it to their personal chat group immediately. Phuwin took a conference call within the next two seconds.

"It's Joong!" Pooh said with confidence.

"How do you know?" Dunk asked curiously.

"Who else would have balls to do such a thing?" Pooh retorted back.

"Okay... so what am I supposed to do now?" Dunk asked, confused.

"Don't respond.... Wait for a while and see whether he sends more..." Pooh instructed.

"But... Pooh.. don't you think we have been single for a long time..?" It was Khao.

"That doesn't mean we have to jump at the first opportunity that comes our way after all this time... Oh, Khao... I'm worried about you.. Did... did First try to contact you?" Pooh asked gently....

It always surprised Dunk how gentle Pooh can be sometimes, and mostly, it was either to Dunk and Khao's or even his own mom or to Khao only.

"Mai.. no.. Don't worry... But... yesterday... he kinda followed me to my bike." Khao said slowly.

"What do you mean?" Pooh suddenly was wide awake and alert at that revelation.

"Well.. after I finished lectures yesterday, remember I had to leave early...? After I passed the volunteer garden near the east building, I felt like someone was following me. I tried to use my phone.. and pretended to take a selfie... First slipped and revealed himself.. It was funny... But creepy at the same time... I quickly got to my bike and rode off."

"Why are you telling this now?" Pooh was annoyed.

"Well.. I'm not some kind of damsel like you guys try to treat me as.. I'm a guy. And I have done martial arts. I'm capable of taking care of myself." Khao mouthed off...

"Really Khao...? Now you are smart mouthing too...!!" Pooh was angry. And he rarely got angry with Khao.

So Dunk knew that Pooh was stressed about the situation.

"What are we going to do?" Dunk asked softly.

"I think.... they are trying 'Art of War' strategies.... Divide and conquer...." Phuwin said thoughtfully.

"Humph.." Khao said.

"Who do you think is their sensible and responsible one?" Pooh asked.

"I think it's first..." Said Khao..

"No... I think it is Pond..." Said Dunk.

"Correct... if I'm right... some chain reaction was triggered after Wednesday." Phuwin said wisely.

"Okay... now what then...?" Dunk asked.

"Let's do like this... let's try to stick together as much as possible.... if at any given time they approach us individually when we are alone, keep alert and ready to get away immediately..." Phuwin said with a finality in his tone.

"Pooh..... Why are you so scared... of them?" Khao asked softly...

"Scared...? Says who? I don't trust them.. Mainly because Pond is not an easy guy. His family connections are deeply rooted. First's family owns a few racing units and tracks around the country, and Joong comes from a famous celebrity family... They have so many connections as well... Also, it's not easy to pull him down. Yes, our families are also rich and connected but not as much as them.. simply saying they are above us in the food chain, and also I have a strong gut feeling that these guys... might rule over us immediately if we gave in." Pooh elaborated his thoughts..

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