Epilogue for Percy Jackson

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Percy grabbed his bag that was next to him in the cab. "Hey, kid! Don't forget to pay up." Said the cab driver. Percy dug into his pocket and pulled out a twenty. He gave it to the cab driver. "Keep the change." He said before getting out and shutting the door. He turned towards the apartment building where he had shared it with his mom and Paul. It was midnight. He had spent most of the day helping Jason gather up Thaila's things and then help Annabeth pack and... he just got busy (A/N: hey Perabeth shippers, think about it.... hehehe yeah). He swallowed as he walked into the apartment building and climbed the stairs to his mothers apartment.
Percy knocked on the door. After doing so, he wanted to slap himself. He knew where the extra keys were but, then again the door opening at midnight in New York would scare his mother sense less... so did disappearing for so long. Gods I'm a jerk. He thought to himself. Then Paul opened the door. Clearly hadn't gotten much sleep lately. "P-Percy?" He sounded like he didn't believe what he was seeing. But Percy smiled and waved. "Hey, Paul," Percy thought that no other surprises would come along since a friend and his companion came to camp before he left.
Paul pulled Percy into a hug. "Your mother and I have been worried sick about you!" Percy understood why his mother would be upset but, Paul? Paul pulled away from his step son before pulling him inside and shutting the door. Just then a creak came from down the hall. "Paul? Who is it?" Percy's heart went to his throat and tears formed in his eyes. He tried so hard not to cry when he heard his mother's voice. He'd bawl like a baby when he sees her face.
Before Paul could answer, Sally flicked on the light and her eyes widened. "Percy...?" Percy noticed that Sally had aged more than the last time he saw her. There was bags under eyes, more grey in her fine dark hair and... Damn Percy for thinking this if his thoughts are wrong but... Sally looks almost... Pregnant.
She walked up to her son and reached her hand out to his face. She hesitated at first before stroking his face and running her fingers through Percy's hair. Now, he was crying. "I'm here, mom... It's real. I'm here... I'm home." His voice was breaking with every word he said. Tears spilled down Sally's face as she pulled her hand away.
"Perseus Jackson do you have any idea how worried I've been?! You left one message and gone for months! I called the camp and the only time they answered me they said you were missing!" Then she noticed Percy's souvenir from Little Rome. "A tattoo?! Seriously Perseus?! You're barley seventeen! I swear to your father Percy if you ever..." Whatever Sally was going to say next got lost in her sobs as she threw her arms around her son. "I've missed you so much!" Percy hugged his mother back sobbing into her shoulder. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.."
"I love you..." Sally sobbed. "I love you..." Percy sobbed as he stroked his mothers hair. Percy shut his eyes so tight in hopes that the tears would stop and in hopes that this isn't a dream and when he opened his eyes, he sobs in joy to see that it is all very much real. Sally pulled away from Percy and he did the same. Sally kissed his forehead and sniffled. "H-How about I make you some blue pancakes?" Percy laughed as more tears fell. "I'd love some mom." Sally hugged her son one more time and this time, Paul joined in. "Welcome home..." Sally sobbed. Percy smiled as he rested his head on his mother's shoulder and felt Paul's hands on his back and shoulder. "Great to be back..." He said closing his sea foam green eyes and taking in his mother's perfume and shampoo. They all pulled away and Sally headed towards the stove and started to make her son blue blueberry pancakes as Paul made himself some coffee. Percy took a seat in their dining room table, which is obviously new since he hadn't noticed it when he was more most of the time. He smiled and nodded to himself. Welcome home, Perseus Jackson.

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