Epilogue for Leo Valdez

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Calypso and Leo had been riding in the sky for a few days now, taking turns resting and driving Festus and stopping to get some stuff to eat. But finally, Leo could see Thaila's tree. He smiled as they gained closer to Camp Half-Blood. Calypso saw the annoying but sexy smirk on Leo's face. "What?" She asked. "What is it?" Leo looked at his girlfriend over his shoulder and smiled. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

Leo landed Festus right in the center of Camp. At first nobody moved until Coach Hedge pushed his way forward. He smiled and waved at Leo. "LEO VALDEZ IS ALIVE!" He screamed. The Hephaestus cabin cheered and whopped. Some took off in different directions. One towards the woods, one towards the cabins, one went to the beach, one went to the training center, and another to the Big House.
Leo jumped off the bronze dragon and helped Calypso down. That's when the people that knew him well, attacked him with hugs, pats on the back and pounding him with questions. "Where in Hades were you?"

"We thought you died!"

"Who's your new eye candy?" Leo just smiled, and moved his way through the crowd, his arm wrapped around Calypso's waist. When he was in the clear, he heard somebody yell his name. He stopped and looked to his right. Hazel and an eagle were heading towards him. Leo smiled and ran to meet Hazel. He hugged Hazel tightly before pulling away. Hazel, teary eyed smiled. "Now..." Then she smacked him across the face. "Owe!" He yelled. Hazel took his shirt and looked straight into his eyes with her golden eyes. "I swear to all the gods Leo Valdez if you disappear and scare me like that again I'll make you wish that you were really dead!" Leo just laughed. "Good to see you too, Hazel." The eagle turned into Frank behind Hazel. Leo expected the big guy to kill him for touching his girlfriend. So when he pulled Hazel back and stepped forwards, Leo was shaking.
But Frank just gave him the tightest and longest hug the boy could give him. Tears fell down Frank's face as he tried to speak. "W-We thought... We saw you... I missed you buddy." Leo could feel the air being squeezed out of him. "Frank.... Can't.... Breath!" Frank let him go but smiled. "Sorry." Frank wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. "Annabeth is going to kill you," Frank said as Calypso helped Leo to his feet. "Wait, is this Annabeth dating--" Calypso was interrupted when she saw in the corner of her eye, Percy and Annabeth racing towards them.

"LEO VALDEZ! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU--!" Percy was in the middle of screaming when he stopped and saw Calypso. All Calypso did was smiled and fold her hands in front of her. "Nice to see you again, Percy. Still drool in your sleep?" Percy blushed a deep red. "Uh..." Annabeth hit his chest with jealousy ragging in her grey eyes. Percy laughed and coughed. "Hey, Calypso.." Calypso giggled as Leo wrapped his arm around her waist. Annabeth hugged Leo tightly. "Glad to know you're not dead," began as they pulled away. "So I can kill you myself." Leo started laughing when he saw the seriousness on Annabeth's face, he hid behind Frank. "Percy help!" Percy laughed and put his arm around Annabeth's shoulders. "Easy, Wise Girl."

"Save it, Seaweed Brain." She said rolling her eyes. "Got more where that came from. Nico, Jason, and Piper are headed here." Frank stepped out of the way as Jason tackled Leo. "AAHH!!" Leo yelled as he fell on his back. He thought Jason was going to strangle him but, he was hugging Leo. Leo patted his friend's back. "It's okay buddy," he said. "I'm okay." Leo said as Piper pulled her boyfriend off of Leo and helped the small Latino up to his feet. "Good. Because I'm going to kill you!" Piper would've probably throttled Leo if it wasn't for Nico, pulling her back. "Easy, Beauty Queen!" Leo said. "I came back didn't I?" Nico smiled at him and nodded. "And we're glad that you did." Calypso stood by Leo and looked at all the demigods. "It looks like you have a great family, Leo." She said grabbing his hand. Leo smiled as he became teary eyed.

Leo nodded and sighed happily. "Yeah. I really do." Percy put his arm around Leo and lead him to the Big House. "Chiron and Mr. D would want to talk with you." Leo groaned and cursed under his breath. "Can I just let everybody kill me for being dead?" They all laughed as they headed towards the big house. And Leo smiled to himself as he pulled Calypso closer to him. This is home. I thought to himself as he tapped in morse code; I love you.

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