Andy Zhang

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I'm Andy Zhang

I'm sixteen, going on seventeen and I am a twin.

I'm Emily's twin. You'll meet her soon enough.

I love my family

I love my friends, and no, I don't like school. Just because I'm half Asian, doesn't mean I am in love with school.

Anyway, I love green, I shapeshift (don't tell my mom) and I am a grade A and B student.

I live with my parents in Little Rome. It's kind of weird to go anyway outside of Little Rome because to other demigods, Percy and Annabeth Jackson

Leo and Calypso Valdez

Frank and Hazel Zhang

Nico and Will Solangelo

Andrew and Reyna Ramirez-Edwards

Jason and Piper Grace

Grover and Juniper Underwood

And finally Tyson and Ella, they're all kind of like celebrities, making us kids like celebrities. It's strange to me but I pull myself through it.

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