Epilogue for Reyna Ramirez

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After returning to Camp Jupiter, Reyna rejoiced in the victory with her campers and the citizens of Little Rome. You'd think she would be happy about all the "Congrats Reyna!" or all the "Thank you so much for saving us Reyna" or "You're so brave! I hope I am as brave as you" but, no. She was miserable. The words of Aphrodite and Piper rattled around her head. What made it worse, Jason kept talking about his new girlfriend Piper and seeing Frank and Hazel together, it was all too much. She excused herself and went off towards the woods.

Once the voices faded, she screamed into the wind as tears fell down her face. She was alone. Her sister was gods knows where, she's been rejected more than a eighteen year old should be, and broken for so long, all she wanted to do was fall to her knees and stay there. And she would've too.. If somebody didn't stumble into her path.

She turned her attention to the wounded boy. Thin and fragile, clearly hasn't eaten anything for a few days. He was covered with nasty scratches and stab wounds, no where fatal. Reyna got to her feet and ran to the boy. He looked no older than Reyna. "Please..." He croaked. "H-Help me.." Reyna helped the boy to his feet. "I will... Just tell me who you are,"

"I-I'm Andrew Edwards... And I kn-know what you are... A-A- d-de-demi-g-god..." He started to get weaker. "Are you mortal?" The boy nodded yes. Reyna dragged the boy to Camp Jupiter where she and some of the Apollo children nursed him back to health. When it came to feeding and watering him, he'd ask for Reyna, soon, he asked her by name.

The mortal gained his strength back slowly and started working out to regain some muscle that he had lost being captured. Andrew still refuses to talk about it. As the days passed by, Reyna's heart slowly fell more and more into the mortal and soon, his heart did the same but, of course they never told each other.

It was the last day Andrew would stay at Camp Jupiter. Reyna stood at the edge of the camp waiting to escort their guest out. "So, you saw through the mist?" Reyna asked as they walked out of camp, slowly of course. "Yes. It wasn't that hard for me really." Reyna nodded. "So, where will you go now, Andrew?" He laughed. "Not sure, Reyna, but I thank you for being so kind to me in my time of need." Reyna smiled and nodded. "It was all my pleasure."

Once they got to the statue of Bacchus, they stopped. "I won't forget you, Reyna Ramirez," Reyna blushed and smiled. "And nor I you," Andrew was about to step out of camp boundaries when Reyna took his shoulder, turned him around, and kissed his cheek. Andrew held her shoulders in place. And slowly and softly kissed her lips. Reyna was taken a back but she kissed him. Soon they pulled away blushing like nobody's business. "Hey!" Bacchus yelled. "No kissing in front of a god! So disrespectful!" Reyna glared at Bacchus and then turned back to Andrew.

"This isn't goodbye, Reyna." He said as he held her face. "I swear on the River Styx that I will come back," Reyna panicked. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I always keep my promises, Reyna. No matter what." Then he left, leaving Reyna once again alone, but her heart very much alive.

------------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED--------------------------------------------------

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