Between the Lines

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The days following Jonas's sudden inclusion into Livia's world were surreal. What started as a quiet life at Gothenburg International Academy had quickly transformed into something far more intense and unexpected. It wasn't just about fitting into a new school anymore; it was about surviving the weight of popularity and the constant attention that came with being associated with the Karlsson brothers.

Livia's routine began to take on a strange new shape. Everywhere she went, there were eyes—some curious, some envious, and others downright hostile. She wasn't used to this kind of scrutiny. Back in Akerby, life had been simpler, quieter, and even though Viktor's absence still haunted her, she had felt more grounded there. Here, at GIA, she felt like she was treading water, trying not to drown in the constant waves of gossip.

At first, she thought it would fade—like Emma had said, people's attention would move on to the next bit of drama. But as days turned into weeks, the whispers only grew louder. Every time Jonas so much as said hello to her in the hallways, or if their paths crossed in the cafeteria, it fueled more rumors.

What made it worse was that Jonas didn't seem to notice or care about the attention. To him, it seemed normal. His easy-going nature and friendly demeanor made him the kind of guy everyone liked to be around, and that was probably why he didn't see how his presence complicated Livia's life. He wasn't doing anything wrong, but the school had already drawn its conclusions about the two of them, and it didn't take long for some students to become resentful.

Emma, Sophie, and Isabelle had become her constant support system, always there to deflect or distract her when the stares got too overwhelming. Emma, in particular, had a way of lightening the mood with a joke or a quick change of subject when things got too tense. But even they couldn't shield Livia from everything.

It was a Wednesday afternoon, and Livia was sitting alone in the library, trying to finish an assignment for her English class. The quiet of the library was a welcome change from the usual chaos of the cafeteria. As she scanned through pages of a novel, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Pulling it out, she saw a message from Emma.

"Meet me outside by the courtyard when you're done. We need to talk."

The message made Livia's stomach sink. Something about it felt ominous. Emma usually wasn't so serious in her texts. Setting her book aside, she packed up her things and made her way to the courtyard.

When she arrived, she saw Emma sitting on a bench under a tree, her expression uncharacteristically tense. Sophie and Isabelle were nowhere to be seen, which only added to Livia's anxiety.

"Hey," Livia said, approaching cautiously. "What's going on?"

Emma glanced up, her face softening a bit when she saw Livia. "Sit down. We need to talk."

Livia sat beside her, trying to read her friend's expression. "Is something wrong?"

Emma took a deep breath before speaking. "I didn't want to bring this up, but I think you should know. There's been a rumor going around—about you and Jonas."

Livia frowned, already feeling a sense of dread creeping in. "What kind of rumor?"

Emma hesitated, clearly uncomfortable. "Some people are saying that you and Jonas are, you know... together. Like, dating."

Livia's eyes widened. "But that's not true! We're not even close like that."

"I know," Emma said quickly, "but you know how this place is. Once a rumor starts, it spreads like wildfire. And with the way Jonas talks to you, people are jumping to conclusions."

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