Gothenburg International Academy

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Livia woke with a start. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she didn't know where she was. The ceiling above her was foreign, too high and unfamiliar, and the faint scent of pine from the trees outside mixed with the sterile smell of new bedding. She blinked a few times, feeling the stiffness in her body from a night of tossing and turning. As the hazy remnants of sleep wore off, the reality of her new life crept in.

This wasn't her childhood bedroom. She wasn't at home anymore. She was at Gothenburg International Academy—a place that felt both intimidating and surreal.

For a few minutes, Livia just lay there, questioning everything. How did she end up here? Was this really her life now? Moving away from home, from the familiar safety of her small town, from Viktor—everything that once anchored her felt so far away. The loss was still a heavy weight on her chest, one that no amount of time seemed to ease. In this new world, she was a stranger, and for the first time in her life, Livia truly felt alone.

"Get it together," she whispered to herself, pushing the thoughts aside.

She needed to move. If she stayed in bed too long, the sense of isolation would only grow. Livia forced herself out of bed, her feet touching the cold floor. She padded across the room and headed into the small, shared bathroom attached to her dorm. The cold tiles under her feet brought a shiver up her spine, but she was grateful for the jolt—it woke her up, brought her back to the present.

The mirror above the sink reflected a face that barely felt like her own. Livia stared at her reflection for a long time. The girl looking back at her had changed so much over the past year. Her once long, brown hair, which Viktor used to run his fingers through, was gone. In its place was a short bob, cut unevenly, asymmetrical, with an edge of rebellion she hadn't intended. She'd done it in a fit of frustration a few months ago—trying to escape the weight of who she used to be. Now, her hair barely brushed her jawline, making her look sharper, older, but also more distant from the girl she used to be.

She stepped into the shower, turning the knob all the way to cold. The freezing water hit her skin, sending an icy shock through her system, forcing her mind to focus. She needed to wake up—not just physically, but mentally. She needed to face the day, this new chapter in her life, whether she was ready or not.

After drying off and standing in front of the mirror again, Livia didn't even bother to put much effort into her appearance. She pulled on her usual outfit—a hoodie, some jeans—and stared at herself again. She looked...fine. Bland. The hoodie was oversized, the jeans worn from overuse. There was nothing flashy about her, nothing that would make her stand out, and that was exactly how she wanted it.

Grabbing her backpack, she slung it over her shoulder and glanced around the small, minimalist dorm room. Her belongings were still in boxes, scattered across the floor. She'd unpacked only the basics last night before collapsing into bed. She didn't have the energy to settle in just yet; it felt too final, like accepting this new life when part of her was still clinging to the old one.

Her stomach growled, reminding her that it was time for breakfast. She stepped out of her room, taking in a breath of cool, morning air as she walked down the hall toward the exit. Outside, the campus was just waking up. The early morning sun filtered through the tall, ancient trees surrounding the academy, casting long shadows across the stone pathways. The buildings were grand, with ivy creeping up their stone walls, and for a moment, Livia couldn't help but admire the beauty of the place. It was nothing like home, but there was something serene about it.

As she made her way toward the cafeteria, a few students passed by, some offering warm smiles, which she politely returned. There was a certain energy on campus, a mix of excitement and anticipation. Students were laughing, chatting, and heading off to their various morning classes. Watching them, Livia wondered if maybe—just maybe—this place wouldn't be so bad after all.

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