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Eheheheeh.. So hey y'all! The names Bree for those who don't know me.

I'm a fanfiction writer here on the pad of watts. Thank you for joining me here.

So yes, I'm a Bones fan, basically love Sweets and Aubrey (on point eyebrows guys) but then everyone on that show is great.

So please, if y'all want to request a one-shot, answer these questions and answer in the comments box-

Name (yours not mine idiot)
Character (Booth, Bones, Sweets etc)
Physical features (not the ones I don't want to know. Just hair, eyes, skin colour, thin, slim or fat)
Religion (I'm a christian so any characters I create from a non-requested one-shot will most likely be Christian)
Plot (what happens, NO BLOODY SMUT)

Note to y'all, I don't swear except for bloody and hell and crap... occasionally I will swear but it is if I'm out of sorts.


Key Note: As Much as I 'like' Daisy, I don't really like her. The ship is adorable but I don't like her.

She makes me sad.

But I still ship it...
Don't question my brain okay?

So. Why not kick this off with a good ol' Doc Lance Sweets one-shot aye?

Cheers y'all,

From the girl laying on her bed crying softly to herself about Orlando Bloom and something to do with candy,


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