The winner and runnerupper

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Right so with the help of my dear friend tiffy11 , I was able to decide who can first and second.

As there were only two participants (well done you two), ray_c13  and @InvisibleBookNerd , we only have two prizes to give away.

So, the cover you see above belongs to.......

@InvisibleBookNerd- Cover becomes cover, follow if not followed already and chapter dedication. Also, pick a book of yours and I'll read it :)

ray_c13 - A follow, chapter dedication and I'll read a book of yours.

Right so now this book is called Bones: The Weird and Wonderful. Now this book can get funkier >:D

Watch out for more comps and weirdness. It's all going down here and you don't *sinister music plays* want to miss it.

Cheers y'all!


Second place as chosen by tiffy11

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Second place as chosen by tiffy11

Bones: The Weird and WonderfulWhere stories live. Discover now