How He Likes your Hair

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Booth- In a ponytail. He likes to be able to swish it around and tickle the back of your neck with your hair. And he likes to kiss your neck. With your hair out of the way, it's an obvious target.

Sweets- He loves your hair down. It frames your face perfectly and he loves to bury his head in the crook of your neck. Strangely, it's because the smell of your shampoo that's calms him down when he does that.

Aubrey- He thinks your hair is at it's best when you put it into a plait. He has this habit that hair gets in his mouth or face whenever he kissed or hugs or even walls past you. So, with it in a plait, life is easier. And he can see your beautiful face.

Wendell- Well, Wendell doesn't care. He thinks -no, he knows- that you are absolutely beautiful no matter how you do your hair. So ladies, Wendell doesn't care. You. Are. Gorgeous.

Clarke- He loves your hair when it's in a bun. It reminds him of a ballerina and reminds him of how lucky he is, even if you aren't the most graceful person alive. Plus, you are slightly shorter than him and it makes him laugh when you beam at him with your bun because it makes you seem taller.

Zac- He loves your hair when it's just shoved messily into anything. A bun, ponytail or plait, if it's messy, he loves it. It reminds him (and you) that no one is perfect. But to Zac, it reminds him that others aren't perfect. He thinks you are perfect.

Jack Hodgins- How does he like your hair? Curly. Your hair generally is a mass of curls and it annoys you so you tuck it away into anything. But Hodgins loves it in curls because it's adorable.

Authors Note: Gahhhh!
So that was fun :D lots of requests coming in and I'm loving it! KEEP SENDING THEM IN I'M SO HAPPY!

But if you want me to do another one of these chapters again, tell me! I really want to do one but I need your opinion.

~ Bree

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