Vanessa paced the room impatiently. They were missing two people off the team and they didn't know where they were.
Brennan watched the young woman as she almost wore a hole in the carpet.
Angela laughed nervously, sharing Vanessa's anxiety.
Booth was drumming on his legs impatiently while the director of the Jeffersonian sat at his desk, a sad look on his face."We can't miss Christmas!" Both exploded. Vanessa jumped but then got her bearings again and began pacing again. Angela stood up, grabbed her wrist and pulled the tired doctor into a chair.
"They should be here now." Brennan said loudly, as though hoping that would get their friends to come. The Director smiled and held up a dark hand to shut everyone up.
"They'll be here. And when they are they are in trouble but they'll be fine."
"Who'll be fine?"Everyone whipped around and laughed at the sight.
Zac and Hodgins stood there in nothing but a towel. Hodgins was looking pretty proud and stood with his hand on his hips.
Zac... Not so much. Vanessa laughed in relief that he was okay. Their mother would kill her if he wasn't.
"You're an ass Zachary Addy." She said through a smile. Her twin brother glared at here and she stood up, turned on her heel and walked out the room.She walked to her favourite little room that hadn't been closed off due to the lockdown.
Her easel and paint sat there, doing nothing. A smile worked it's way up her face and she toon the paint brush.
Angela came in not much long after she had and pulled out her sketch book. She didn't say anything. The two had a mutual agreement when it came to art.About an hour later, a fully clothed and floppy haired Zac came in and stood beside Vanessa.
"You should be." Even though he was the older one, she held more authority over the two."It was Doctor Hodgins who cut into it without thinking." He started to explain. Vanessa shot him a look that he knew all to well.
"Well now we can't see the fam until after Christmas, thanks to you and Hodgins." Zac felt like he had just destroyed his sister. He felt horrible because he knew she loved seeing their parents and 6 siblings and however many nieces and nephews and cousins. Zac looked up to find Vanessa watching him with sharp green eyes.
"You don't know how sorry I am Ness." For someone who had social anxiety, spoke like a proper person and never shortened anything, Vanessa was always the special case.
Vanessa melted abit at the sight of her brother looking at his feet. She smiled and then painted a streak of pale blue on his face like she always use to do when they were younger. Her way of saying she forgave him.
Zac looked up at Vanessa with a grin and then shuffled out the room.Authors note:
I've been really bad with updating so here's two updates for y'all :DSo if anyone is watching The Last Ship, please raise your hand and say AYE...
🙋🙋🙋🙋 AYE!!!
Yeah.. New fandom, new ship (literally)
So remember to request one-shots!
Bones: The Weird and Wonderful
FanfictionA collection of one-shots from the TV series 'Bones' featuring Bones, Booth, Hodgins, Angela , Sweets, Vincent, Wendyl, Clarke, Cam, Zac and the characters from my head!