Sweets- Always will Protect #2

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Again, @MusicDragonSlayer21 came to the rescue. SEND ME YOUR IDEAS PEOPLES :D

Riley looked at her hands as she finished up for the day. Her hands. Slim, dark and covered in make up to hide her secret.

Everyone has secrets right? Some are good, some are bad. Riley's was a bout three buses, a taxi ride and a long walk from ever being good.

She let out a shaky breathe as Jack Hodgins looked up at her.

"You all good there, Riles?"
"Good in the hood." Looking up at the clock, she saw that it was almost time to leave. To go home.

Lance Sweets walked in through the door, hands in his pockets as he hummed happily to himself. When he saw Riley standing in her corner, his face very obviously brightened and his footsteps quickened.

"Hey Riley." He greeted her. She looked up at him, heart fluttering in her chest.

"Hey, Sweets." She said as she breathed. He grinned down at her.

"So. How was work?"
"Good. Yeah, good thank you. How was your work?" She asked shyly.

"Boring. But it's better now." He looked around before saying any more.

"Riley... I was wondering if you wanted to get some dinner? As friends. Of course. Only as friends." Sweets knew she had a boyfriend. But he couldn't help but love the way she was. Damn, he couldn't help but have fallen in love with girl who was shy.

"I can't, Lance. I have to be home by a certain time otherwise Craig gets worried." She lied. Well, she lied about the worried part. Every part of her ached to get away from her boyfriend and go with Sweets. But then he would hurt her. He would hurt her so bad.

"Oh. Okay then. Maybe another time?" The hopefulness was evident in his voice. Riley didn't stop herself when a small smile appeared on her face.



When Riley got home, she knew what was going to happen. She was five minutes late due to traffic and with Craig probably drunk off his ass, it wasn't going to make it any better.

"I'm home!" She called out. She could hear the TV on in the lounge when she put the keys down. Taking off her cardigan, she headed towards the kitchen.

"You're late." Craig's gravelly voice rang out. She winced and turned slowly, wishing the earth would swallow her up immediately.

"I'm sorry. There was traffic-"
"And you didn't text me?! Didn't call?! I've been so good to you, Riley! This is how you repay me? By being late and blaming it on the traffic?!" Craig's 6ft figure came into the dim light of the hallway. His brown hair was swept back out of his eyes and his forearms bulged from under the shirt. He would of been still attractive in her eyes if he wasn't so.... Mean. Hateful. Spiteful.

"I had to feed myself! What if I had hurt myself!"
"I'm sorry."
"You always apologise, Riley! You have to be punished." She could see him grin in the darkness but didn't have time to react when his hand went around her throat and she was pushed against a wall. Struggling from breathe, Riley pulled at his hands as her feet left the ground. Her black hair was a mess now as it was pushed from her face.

"You must be punished." Craig's foul, beer soured breath made her gag through being choked and she felt tears roll down her cheeks.

A over her head, a beer bottle shattered and glass rained down on Riley.

Her screams for help went unheard.


Cuts, bruises and a lot of blood. That's what Riley saw in the mirror the next morning. She could hardly walk.

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