Aubrey- Cookie Dough #1

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Cookie dough has a tendency to make you very busy, very messy and very, very hyper.

In Madeline's case, she was through her tenth patch of cookies and was covered in flour. Her hyper active state? Through the roof.

With music playing in the background, Maddy hummed along and placed dinosaur shaped cookies onto a cooling rack and moved them beside a batch of TARDIS shaped cookies.
Then the music reached a high but and she began singing along, hitting every note.

" Ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough,
To keep me from getting to you

She put a chocolate cake in the oven and jolted up when she heard a knock on her door.
Looking up at her clock, it read 12:01am. Narrowing her eyes she opened a drawer and pulled out a glock. Taking the safety off, she moved forward from the brightness of the kitchen and put her hand on the door knob.

Counting to 3, she yanked it open and pointed her gun at the chest of James Aubrey.

"Wowowowowowo. Maddy. It's me." Maddy looked up from where her gun was pointed and then laughed.
"It wasn't armed... You have nothing to worry about." She lied and put the safety back on.

"What are you doing here Agent Aubrey?" She asked him while stuffing the gun into the waistband of her pajama pants.

"Well, Booth and Brennan suggested I come and talk to you seemings as you are a psychologist and all." He looked down at his shoes. He was still dressed in his work suit and Maddy smiled to herself.
"Did they mention I would be on a sugar high?" He looked up, eyebrow raised.
"You? Sugar high?" She grinned and then motioned for him to come in.

"Go down the hall and then turn left." He did as she said and she closed the door, breathing in relief.

At least it was just the guy you've had a maaaajor crush on since you arrived at the FBI.... Maddy mentally smacked herself.

"What on earth-" Maddy walked down the hall and laughed when she saw Aubreys face at the amount of baking that was covering her kitchen bench top.
"Are you doing a bake sale or something?"
"At the rate I'm going, I'll need I have a bake sale." She laughed. Aubrey knitted his eyebrows together and Maddy sighed to herself as she inspected her warm kitchen lovingly.

"So how can I help you?" She moved over to the bench and began mixing a bowl of chocolate brownie mix. Aubrey sat down at the breakfast bar and placed his head in his hands.

"That case we were doing brought back far to many memory's." He started. Maddy nodded and dipped her finger into the mix. She smiled at the sweet chocolatey taste and then began putting it into the cake pan as she listened to him talk about everything. She hummed softly some of the time but would stop when it sounded like he was about to break.

It took an hour for him to be done. It took an hour for the cake to be done and to be iced. When he was done, she had a tray of gingerbread dough ready. Whether it got in the oven or not was an entirely different story.

"Y'know, I was abandoned by my dad twice too?" She said after a moment of silence. Aubrey looked up at her, eyebrows raised.
"Yeah. The first time I don't remember. I was 4 months and living in Ireland. He came back when we were living in England and I was 4 years old. Quite funny actually as I remember screaming as I was sat on his lap." Maddy chuckled to herself. Aubrey smiled and leaned over to pick up some gingerbread dough and pop it in his mouth. Maddy rolled her eyes.
"He tried to be a dad for 6 years. I had no idea what a father was after only having Mum."
         "Then he left when I was 10. Went to Australia and then he seemed to forget about me." Maddy picked at the uncooked dough.
Aubrey didn't say anything. The pair just stayed where they were, both feeling like they had just spilled the things they kept locked up tight.

The psychologist and the agent. One who was used to doing the talking and one who wasn't. When Maddy looked up at Aubrey, she had tears welling up in her eyes.
Aubrey got up and had his arms wrapped around the doctor before she even let out what could be described as a strangled sob. Aubrey let her cry into his jacket.
She didn't often have the chance to release herself because she was always taking other peoples troubles on. But when she did break down, it was like heaven raining down on hell.

Authors Note: I know.... I shouldn't really be stopping it right there but I couldn't bring myself to write more.
It just seemed like a fitting ending.

Sooo... Y'all know what to do. What you need to do to get a one-shot (please ask for one I really need to do something with my life other than school).

Cheers Ya'll,


P.S: A Zac Addy one is coming up next ;)

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