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Before Yeosang could protest, Wooyoung was already pulling him and San into the center of the living room, where a group had gathered in a loose circle. The noise in the room seemed to grow louder as people noticed the new participants, and Yeosang's anxiety spiked.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Wooyoung insisted, throwing an arm around Yeosang's shoulders with an easy grin. "It's just a game, don't be such a buzzkill."

Yeosang glanced over at San, hoping for an escape. But San seemed relaxed, maybe even amused, though there was a glimmer of something in his eyes that Yeosang couldn't quite place. It wasn't like he could back out now without making it more awkward.

The rules were explained quickly—too quickly for Yeosang to process fully before a bottle was placed in the middle of the circle. It was the classic game of spinning the bottle, but this time, whoever the bottle landed on would be sent into a nearby closet for seven minutes with their partner.

Yeosang shifted uncomfortably as the first few spins went by, watching as a couple of strangers were shoved into the closet amid laughter and teasing. His heart pounded as each spin brought the possibility closer to him.

Then, inevitably, the bottle landed on San.

There was a chorus of whoops and laughter, and Yeosang felt his face heat up. Wooyoung was grinning from ear to ear as the bottle made its second spin—slow, deliberate, and teasingly agonizing as it turned and turned.

Yeosang barely had time to react before it slowed to a stop, pointing directly at him.

The room erupted in playful cheers and whistles, and Yeosang's heart lurched into his throat. His eyes met San's, who, despite the situation, seemed oddly calm, if not a little curious.

"Well, well," Wooyoung laughed, clearly enjoying the moment. "Looks like it's your turn, Yeosang!"

"B-but shouldnt we spin again until it lands on a girl? Isnt this weird?" He rubbed his neck nervously.

"Rules are Rules Sangie~" Woo winked. "Be happy it didnt land on me i would have jumped u right here. But i am jealous u get THE Choi San too."

Yeosang's legs felt like they were rooted to the floor as he stood there, frozen, unsure of what to do. But San was already standing, reaching out a hand toward him.

"Come on," San said, his voice easy but his eyes sharp with something unreadable. "Let's get this over with."

Yeosang hesitated, then slowly took San's hand, feeling the warmth of his grip as he was led toward the closet.

Yeosang stood in the cramped closet, the air thick with anticipation and warmth. San's presence felt like an electric charge, buzzing between them, and Yeosang could hardly breathe.

"I've never done anything like this before," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. The vulnerability of the moment made his heart race.

San tilted his head slightly, a flicker of surprise in his eyes. "Really? I haven't either. Never kissed a boy. But it's just a game, right? We don't have to do it if you don't want to."

Yeosang's thoughts spiraled, caught between fear and curiosity. The idea of kissing San was both exhilarating and terrifying. He hesitated, weighing his options, before finally saying, "I want to try."

San's expression changed, surprise and warmth dancing in his gaze. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Yeosang nodded, feeling a rush of determination surge through him. "I'm sure."

"Okay," San said, his voice reassuring. "Just remember, this is just a game. It won't mean anything."

The words hung heavy between them, a promise that brought relief and confusion in equal measure. Yeosang tried to push aside the sinking feeling in his chest, focusing instead on the moment as San leaned in closer.

As their lips met, Yeosang's heart raced. The kiss started soft and tentative, both of them exploring this new territory together. But as San's lips moved against his, the initial hesitance melted away, replaced by an intense spark that ignited deep within Yeosang.

San deepened the kiss, tilting his head slightly to fit them together better. Yeosang instinctively responded, leaning in closer, feeling the warmth radiate from San's body. His heart pounded in his chest as he surrendered to the sensation, letting the kiss consume him. It felt electric, the world outside the closet fading away until all that existed was the two of them and this intoxicating moment.

San's hands found their way to Yeosang's waist, pulling him closer, while Yeosang's fingers curled into the fabric of San's shirt. The kiss grew more passionate, their mouths moving together in a way that felt surprisingly natural. Yeosang had never experienced anything like this before; it was as if they were communicating without words, each movement igniting a fire within him.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as they lost themselves in each other. The sounds of the party outside faded, replaced by the soft rush of breath and the gentle hum of their bodies pressing together. San's lips were warm and soft, and Yeosang couldn't help but lean into him, deepening the kiss further.

He felt a thrill rush through him, the weight of the world outside forgotten. It was just the two of them, exploring uncharted territory, and the sweetness of the moment wrapped around them like a warm blanket.

But just as they began to get lost completely, the sound of laughter from the party outside broke through the haze. The doorknob rattled, and Yeosang's heart dropped as the door creaked open.

In an instant, they were pulled back into reality, their lips parting with a soft pop as they stumbled away from each other. "Wow." Yeosang's face burned crimson as he stepped back, heart racing with embarrassment. He couldn't meet San's eyes, focusing instead on the group of friends who stood gaping at them, surprise etched across their faces.

San laughed lightly, brushing a hand through his hair, his expression playful and teasing. "Well, that was interesting!"

Yeosang forced a smile, feeling a mix of confusion and something else—something more profound—that settled in his chest. "Yeah, interesting," he echoed, though the weight of San's earlier words pressed on him.

As they stepped out of the closet, the laughter from their friends surrounded them, filling the air with teasing remarks and playful jabs. Wooyoung was in the front, his grin wide as he looked between the two of them.

"How was it, lovebirds?" he teased, eyes sparkling  with mischief.

"It was fine," Yeosang said quickly, trying to shake off the lingering embarrassment

He glanced at San, who wore a playful smirk, but inside, Yeosang felt a pang of something deeper.
"Well, it was just a game so it didnt mean anything, right?" San said ruffling Yeosangs hair and that was the moment Yeosang felt his heart shatter just a little.

"Right," he replied, though it felt hollow. As they moved back into the party, Yeosang's mind raced, grappling with the truth that what felt so meaningful to him was, in San's eyes, nothing more than a fleeting moment in a game. And the weight of that realization pressed down on him, leaving him feeling more lost than ever. "Just a game."

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