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A week passed, and both San and Yeosang pretended like nothing had happened, but the strain between them was palpable. They barely spoke, and the distance hurt them both, though neither had any idea about the other's feelings. Wooyoung, on the other hand, was losing his patience. Watching his two clueless friends tiptoe around each other like this was driving him up the wall. He wanted to scream, but he forced himself to stay quiet, hoping they'd eventually open up on their own.

After school, Yeosang was hanging out with Jongho at a small café, their usual spot. Jongho had been quiet for a while, but he finally broke the silence, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"So, Yeosang," Jongho began, leaning back in his chair, "about that day... what was all that about?"

Yeosang sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. "I lied to San," he admitted, his voice low. "I told him that you confessed to me again... just to see his reaction. But I made everything worse. Now, it's all awkward between us."

Jongho chuckled softly, though there was sympathy in his eyes. "You really like him that much, huh?"

Yeosang blushed deeply, looking away. He couldn't deny it anymore, especially not to Jongho. "Yeah," he mumbled, "I do. Im sorry that i pulled you into this."

"Its okay dont worry about, you meant no harm. I would go for it but your heart is obviously taken." He smiled as Yeosang nodded slowly.

Jongho smiled, his tone playful but gentle. "Do you think San likes you too?"

Yeosang shrugged, still unsure. "I don't know. He said something that sounded like a confession, but... I don't know if he was serious or just trying to be nice."

Jongho raised an eyebrow, leaning in a bit. "Why don't you ask him, then?"

Yeosang's eyes widened in horror at the suggestion, and he shook his head dramatically. "No way! I'm way too shy for that."

Jongho laughed, shaking his head at Yeosang's reaction. "You're a mess, Yeosang. A total mess."

Jongho's laughter faded into a soft smile, and he shook his head, leaning back in his chair. "You're really overthinking this, Yeosang. If San confessed to you, he probably meant it. Why would he say something like that just to be nice?"

Yeosang bit his lip, his fingers playing with the edge of his coffee cup. "I don't know. Maybe because he's always been into girls. It just doesn't add up, you know?"

Jongho sighed, crossing his arms. "And you're basing that on what? The fact that he's never dated a guy before? People can surprise you."

Yeosang stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. He wasn't sure what scared him more—the possibility that San didn't like him at all, or the possibility that he did, and Yeosang had messed everything up by lying to him.

Jongho studied him for a moment, then leaned forward, his voice softer. "Look, Yeosang. If you're really that into him, you need to be honest. You can't just keep avoiding it because you're afraid."

Yeosang exhaled, his shoulders slumping. "But what if I've already ruined everything? I mean, I lied to him about you, and now... things are so weird."

Jongho tilted his head thoughtfully. "Maybe. But it's not too late to fix it. San's your friend, right? Talk to him. Tell him the truth."

Yeosang hesitated, still feeling overwhelmed. "I don't even know what to say..."

Jongho smiled, giving him an encouraging nudge. "You'll figure it out. But you gotta stop waiting for him to make the first move. Just be real with him."

Yeosang nodded, feeling Jongho's words sink in, but the knot in his stomach refused to loosen. He knew Jongho was right, but the thought of confessing again—of facing San's real reaction—terrified him.

Later that day, after his time with Jongho, Yeosang found himself standing outside his dorm, staring at the door. His mind was racing. Should he go find San now? Talk to him and clear the air?

His heart pounded, but he couldn't shake off the fear. What if San had already decided to move on? What if this confession wasn't something San wanted after all?


San sat slumped on the couch in Wooyoung's dorm, the controller heavy in his hands as his character died for the fifth time in a row. Wooyoung, who had been patient up until now, finally tossed his controller down in frustration, glaring at San.

"Are you serious right now?" Wooyoung snapped. "You're not even trying! What is going on with you?"

San sighed, rubbing his face. "Sorry, Woo. It's just..."

"Its WHAT." Woo groaned annoyed.


"No shit." Woo rolled his eyes.

" I can't stop thinking about him, about that day at the café. I was gonna confess but He told me he likes Jongho, and I don't want to get in the way."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow annoyed. "Oh, Jongho? Yeah, they're practically glued together now. Yeosang won't shut up about him."

San blinked, looking at Wooyoung in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know, they're always hanging out, smiling, giggling," Wooyoung said, leaning back and pretending to be deep in thought. "Yeosang talks about Jongho constantly. It's like... 'Jongho this, Jongho that.' They're basically a couple."

San's face fell, his chest tightening painfully as he tried to process Wooyoung's words. "Really? They're... that close?" His voice cracked, his eyes shimmering as he fought back the tears threatening to fall.

Wooyoung froze, realizing immediately that San hadn't caught on to his sarcasm. "Wait... you actually believe me?" Wooyoung's eyes widened as he watched San's face crumble.

San swallowed hard, his voice barely a whisper. "I knew it."

Wooyoung's teasing grin vanished, replaced with panic. "San, no! That's not what I meant!" He quickly sat up, waving his hands frantically. "I was joking! Yeosang doesn't like Jongho like that!"

San blinked, completely lost. "What? But... you said—"

"San, Yeosang lied about Jongho confessing to him," Wooyoung interrupted, leaning forward. "He made the whole thing up to see how you'd react. Yeosang's been into you this entire time, not Jongho!"

San stared at him, the words taking a moment to sink in. "He... lied? About Jongho?"

"Yes!" Wooyoung groaned, rolling his eyes. "Yeosang's been crushing on you for ages! He's never been into Jongho, you idiot!"

San blinked in disbelief. "He... likes me?"

"Yes, you moron!" Wooyoung was practically pulling his hair out at this point. "I wanted you two to figure it out on your own, but clearly, you're both hopeless. Yeosang likes you, and you obviously like him back, so just stop being dumb and talk to him!"

San sat there, stunned. "I didn't know," he muttered, feeling a mix of relief and guilt.

"Well, now you do," Wooyoung said, exasperated. "So go fix this before I lose my mind completely!"

San sat there, still processing everything. "But... I'm shy," he mumbled.

Without missing a beat, Wooyoung grabbed a pillow and smacked San in the face with it. "Get out!"

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