Colours, Stages

50 12 5

Dearest friend, laughter like summer springs
With your frilly dress and severed wings
I'm at the door, I have the key
Almost there! Wait for me!

Cave dweller, pale green forest
Where are the treasures you promised?
I swallowed my torch and can hardly see
Why won't you shine yours for me?

Sleep robber, yellow and stark
No– I'm not afraid of the dark
But something here just isn't right
I miss my mum, I miss the light

Constricting vine, brown as can be
I dislike the game but can't break free
Your breath is foul, your grip is cruel
How long must I be your fool?

Hated thing, purple sack of meat
Decked out in that necklace of teeth
Scarring my nights with skies bereft of stars
Jamming my canaries in diamond jars

Doubleganger, mottled grey fleece
Have my flag, take it, please
Ashen as breath in tonight's cold
Exiled to islands that fester and fold

Blazing fires, I feel no heat
The great night feeds off my defeat
And as the sun bleeds into the tartan sea
I follow where my friend awaits me.

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