Chapter 6: A Private Call

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The journey away from the depths of Midgar and the tension of the battle with Genesis was filled with a heavy silence. Each member of the group carried the weight of what they had witnessed—Deepground's resurgence, Genesis's chilling words, and the ominous foreshadowing of what lay ahead. Yet despite the looming threat, a strange comfort settled over them. They were together, stronger than before.

After hours of travel, the group found themselves standing before a massive, crumbling mansion. Its gothic architecture loomed against the twilight sky, the once-grand structure now weathered by time and neglect. Dark vines curled up the stone walls, and broken windows gave glimpses of the eerie interior. The air here was still, but the mansion itself seemed to pulse with secrets buried deep within its walls.

Vincent stopped in front of the rusted iron gates, his crimson cloak billowing slightly in the wind. "This was my home for a time," he said, his voice low but steady. "Before... everything changed." There was a brief pause as his eyes traced the outline of the mansion, as if seeing ghosts that only he could recognize. "We'll be safe here for the night."

Tifa stepped forward, her eyes wide as she took in the sight. "This is... the Shinra Mansion, isn't it? I've heard of this place. It's where some of Shinra's darkest experiments were carried out."

Victoria glanced at Vincent, feeling a pang of empathy. She knew all too well what it meant to be bound to a place filled with painful memories. This was his past, a shadow of the life he had once lived, just as Midgar's labs had been a part of hers.

Vincent nodded, his gaze distant. "Yes. But it's also a place where no one will come looking for us. We need rest. And we need time to figure out our next move against Genesis."

Barret, always pragmatic, grunted in agreement. "Well, it sure beats sleepin' in the middle of the damn wasteland. I could use a bed that's not a rock."

The group exchanged glances before they made their way inside, their footsteps echoing against the marble floor of the grand entryway. Dust hung in the air, the scent of age and decay permeating the space. Massive portraits lined the walls, their subjects long forgotten, and the furniture, though covered with dust and cobwebs, still carried an air of its former elegance.

Cloud walked ahead, surveying the mansion's interior with a calm demeanor, but his eyes were alert, scanning for any signs of danger. "We'll take turns keeping watch," he said, his voice firm. "It's quiet now, but Deepground could be tracking us."

Tifa nodded in agreement as she moved to explore one of the adjacent rooms, while Yuffie and Red XIII wandered off, curiosity driving them to investigate the mansion's many mysteries. Barret disappeared down one of the long hallways, muttering something about finding a good place to crash.

Victoria lingered behind, her gaze falling on Vincent as he led her deeper into the mansion. There was an unspoken understanding between them—a bond forged in the fires of battle and shared pain. They climbed a winding staircase, the floorboards creaking beneath their feet, until they reached the second floor. Vincent paused in front of a large, ornate door at the end of the hall.

"This was once the master bedroom," Vincent said quietly, his hand resting on the brass doorknob. "It's still intact, for the most part. You can stay here tonight."

Victoria looked at him, her heart beating a little faster. There was something in his tone, something unspoken yet deeply felt, that made the air between them feel charged. "What about you?" she asked softly. "Where will you stay?"

Vincent turned to her, his crimson eyes meeting hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "I'll be nearby," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But if you need anything... I'll be here."

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