Chapter 18: A New Dawn

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It had been a month since the battle at The Forgotten City, and life at the safe haven had settled into a routine of sorts. The war was far from over, but the team had been working tirelessly to prepare for the coming storm. DeepGround, Genesis, and the remnants of Shinra were still at large, but with every passing day, the plans to strike back grew more intricate and promising.

Victoria had spent much of the month honing her newfound powers—both the dark and the light. Under the guidance of Vincent, and sometimes Angeal and Zack, she had learned to balance the two opposing forces within her. There were times when the darkness felt overwhelming, threatening to consume her again, but the light had grown stronger, brighter, and more controlled. It was no longer just a chaotic force. It had become part of her—an extension of who she was.

The safe haven buzzed with activity as Cid worked diligently in his makeshift workshop. The constant hum of machinery and the occasional clatter of metal could be heard from the base's lower levels as he constructed various vehicles, weapons, and gadgets for their final mission. He had taken on the task of upgrading their airships, retrofitting them with enhanced weaponry and armour, knowing they would need every edge they could get.

Above all the preparations, however, one thing had changed dramatically: the relationship between Victoria and Vincent.

Over the past month, Vincent had begun to shed some of the walls he'd built around himself for so long. The stoic, reserved man that everyone had known was starting to open up in ways no one expected. And that change was largely due to Victoria.

From stolen moments in quiet corners of the safe haven to more open displays of affection, it was clear that their bond had deepened. He was no longer hesitant to show how he felt, especially around the others. It was subtle—nothing dramatic—but those who knew Vincent could see it.

He had grown more comfortable with small touches—a hand on Victoria's lower back as they walked together, his fingers brushing through her hair absentmindedly, and even a kiss on her forehead when he thought no one was looking.

Except they were.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Yuffie called out one afternoon as the group gathered in the main strategy room. "You're gonna make us all sick if you keep that up!"

Vincent, standing behind Victoria with his hands resting casually on her shoulders, raised an eyebrow at Yuffie's playful jab. He said nothing, but the faintest hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Victoria chuckled softly and leaned back against him, finding comfort in his quiet presence.

Cloud watched them from across the room, a slight smirk appearing on his face. It had taken him some time to adjust to the idea of his sister being with Vincent, but over the past few weeks, he'd come to accept it. He knew Vincent was a good man—better than most—and, most importantly, he made Victoria happy. That was enough for Cloud.

"Alright, alright," Tifa said with a laugh, walking in with a tray of drinks. "Let's focus. We've got a lot to go over."

Everyone gathered around the large table in the centre of the room, the surface covered in blueprints, maps, and notes. Cid, as usual, was leading the charge on the technical front.

"Here's what we've got so far," Cid said, unrolling a large map of Midgar and its surrounding areas. "We're gonna need air support, ground vehicles, and an escape plan. We hit them hard, we hit them fast, and we get the hell out before DeepGround even knows what hit 'em."

Barret crossed his arms, his massive biceps bulging as he leaned over the map. "Sounds like a solid plan, but we're gonna need all hands on deck for this one. No holdin' back."

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