Chapter 20: Shadows and Truths

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The safe haven was quieter than usual. The weight of revelations, the tense encounters, and Victoria's struggles had left everyone uneasy. The air was thick with uncertainty, and though everyone was trying to focus on the fight ahead, there was no ignoring the emotional turbulence rippling through their group.

Vincent sat alone in one of the side rooms of the safe haven, the dim light casting shadows on his sharp features. He had been deep in thought, processing everything that had happened — Victoria's transformation, her confrontation with her father, and the weight of her past. He could sense the burden on her shoulders, but there was also something else, a darkness that seemed to linger despite her newfound control over the light and shadow within her.

The door creaked open, and Vincent's crimson eyes flicked up to see Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz standing in the doorway. The remnants, Sephiroth's "children," had been keeping their distance since the recent confrontations, but their presence was always noticeable. Vincent nodded for them to come in, though he kept his expression neutral, unsure of what to expect.

Kadaj entered first, his usual arrogance tempered, though his gaze still held a flicker of something dangerous. Yazoo followed silently, while Loz seemed unusually hesitant, as if he wasn't sure how to begin.

"We need to talk," Kadaj said, his voice low, but not hostile.

Vincent leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly. "About?"

"Victoria," Yazoo said softly, glancing at his brothers before continuing. "We... we didn't want to hurt her. Not really."

Vincent's brow furrowed, his silence urging them to continue. He had been aware of the tension between Victoria and the remnants, particularly with Kadaj, but hearing them express concern for her was unexpected.

Kadaj sighed, crossing his arms as he stared at the floor for a moment before looking back up at Vincent. "Sephiroth wanted us to control her, to manipulate the darkness inside her. At first, we followed those orders. But it's not like that anymore."

Loz, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly spoke up. "We're not like him. Not completely. And... Victoria, she's different from us. She's... stronger."

Vincent studied them, his expression unreadable. He had always been cautious about the remnants, knowing they were born from Sephiroth's will. But this conversation felt genuine, as if they were trying to come to terms with their own identities, separate from their dark origins.

Kadaj uncrossed his arms, stepping closer to Vincent, his voice lowering to a near whisper. "I care about her. Not in the way you might think... but I didn't want to hurt her. When I pinned her against the wall, I was angry, confused. But seeing the look in her eyes, knowing what she's gone through—" He paused, clenching his fists. "It made me realize I wasn't following my own will. I was following his."

Vincent's gaze softened ever so slightly. He knew all too well the internal battle of being torn between darkness and redemption. He had lived it himself.

"And now?" Vincent asked.

"We want to help her," Yazoo said, his silver hair falling over his eyes. "We want to fight with you, not against you."

Vincent was quiet for a long moment, the only sound in the room the faint hum of machinery from the haven's walls. He looked between the remnants, reading their expressions, searching for any hint of deceit. But what he found was sincerity. The remnants, despite their origins, were as lost and broken as anyone else in this war. They were trying to make sense of their existence, just as much as Victoria was.

"You need to understand something," Vincent finally said, his voice calm but firm. "Victoria's been through more than any of us can imagine. Her darkness is part of her, but so is her light. If you truly want to help her, you'll need to respect both."

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