Chapter 7: A New Resolve

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The next morning, the sun broke through the cracked windows of Vincent's mansion, casting slivers of golden light across the dusty floor. The old house groaned softly as if it had woken along with its inhabitants, stirring the quiet air with the faint sounds of life. The rest of the group had spent the night scattered throughout the mansion's abandoned rooms-catching whatever rest they could after the whirlwind of revelations and battles.

In the grand dining hall, the team had gathered around a long, worn table that had seen better days. Barret, Tifa, Yuffie and Cid sat together, their faces reflecting exhaustion but also determination. Cloud leaned agaisnt the far wall, arms crossed, his ever-watchful gaze shifting between his sister and Vincent. Victoria stood near the head of the table, arms wrapped around herself as if to shield against the weight of the recent events.

The silence was thick, everyone grappling with what they had learned-Deepground's resurgence, Genesis leading them, and their vendetta against Victoria. Vincent stood beside her, his quiet presence as steady as ever, though something had shifted between them. The connection they'd shared last night in the mansion's private solitude felt tangible even now, an unspoken understanding lingering in the air between them.

Tifa broke the silence first. "So...Genesis is back. I thought after everything that happened in the past with Deepground and the WRO, we were done with them."

Barret grunted in agreement, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. "And now they've got their sights set on you, Vic. Any idea why? Besides the obvious with Cloud?"

Victoria hesitated, the weight of her past pressing on her like a stone. She glanced at Vincent for a moment, drawing strength from his steady, crimson gaze. Taking a deep breath, she turned to the group, her voice low but clear.

"They experimented on me for ten years," she began, her tone steady though the memories stirred within her. "From the ages of wight until I escaped when I was eighteen. They used Mako energy and injected Jenova cells, just like what happened to Cloud and Sephiroth, but the experiments were crueler-more invasive. Genesis...he was part of it, a hey figure in the early days, before Shinra shut down the labs."

The table fell silent as the weight of her words settled over the group. Cloud's eyes darkened, his expression hardening at the mention of Jenova and the experimentation.

Victoria continued, pushing through the discomfort. "Genesis holds me responsible for something that happened during those years. Something I didn't know about until recently. He blames me for the destruction of some vital research tied to Deepground's plans."

Yuffie, who had been quiet up until now, frowned. "So, this Genesis guy is basically obsessed with revenge? On top of trying to resurrect Deepground? Great. Just great."

Cid leaned back in his chair, lighting a cigarette as he contemplated the news. "Sounds like we're in for a helluva fight."

"We are," Cloud finally spoke, his voice sharp and focused. "If Genesis and Deepground are after you, Victoria, then they'll come at us hard. We have to be ready."

Tifa nodded, her expression filled with resolve. "We've fought worse and come out stronger. We'll face whatever's coming, together."

The room was filled with a grim sense of unity. They had all been through so much-facing Shinra, Sephiroth, and other enemies-and this was just another chapter in their ongoing struggle. But Victoria could sense the unspoken questions lingering in the air, particularly when it came to her and Vincent.

As if reading the tension, Yuffie suddenly leaned forward, her eyes darting between the two of them. Her lips curled into a sly grin, unable to resist her curiosity. "Okay, but before we dive headfirst into yet another world-saving mission... What's up with you two?" She gestured between Vincent and Victoria with a smirk. "You've both been acting kinda..close, lately."

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