8. Freedom! Yay! Or is it?

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Alyssa had finally earned a significant amount of freedom. She could choose when to smoke and where to smoke to a decent extent at school. It seemed as if the Pluh Cult's ideology of puritanism and perfection was finally being challenged. To see someone who had their sins BUT was very wholesome and chaste otherwise was a direct blow to their ideology, which stated that perfection and puritanism was absolutely necessary. Alyssa would be going to celebrate today or tomorrow with a cigar, with family friends. Though would the Pluh Cult retailiate, or would they collapse like the Soviet Union did in 1991?

It was a long wait for the 30 minute interview - hey, at least Alyssa had more time to work on her studies, try to skip a grade or two and her extracurriculars. Perhaps she might have fewer extracurriculars if she decides to skip ahead, but still, there are many decent universities in America she could get admitted to.

Until on Friday Sep 11th 2009 when the leader of the debate club informed Alyssa the interview will be held on Sep 14th 2009, Alyssa anxiously pondered whether being accepted to interview was just a bluff. The imposter syndrome adversely affected her productivity, though she was still able to remain afloat - if only just. She smoked 5 cigarettes a day somehow despite the stress, though it was difficult for her to reduce her use. 

The weekend was spent catching up a little bit on her work in the accelerated classes, going out to explore her town and practicing her debate skills. While exploring her town, she thought of convincing the school to let her have some smoke breaks as she quite enjoyed smoking while exploring around and with meals in restaurants. Perhaps when the teachers and some students finally accept her habit as simply a little vice she is able to enjoy, the bullies will have no bite. Right now, they are able to get away with it because many people view her habit as terrible, disgusting and outdated.

To make up for the unproductive week, Alyssa decided to go above and beyond by studying how to be more convincing. She decided to register for MySpace, but there was a problem - she had to be 13 years old to register. Not to worry - she simply gave a birth year two years older than she was, and changed the day she was born. She did the same thing for Facebook, Reddit and Twitter. It's a good foundation for her personal reputation - especially her branding online, to attract fans and fight bullies through soft power. Perhaps if she could have a picture of her being very classy and sophisticated, and smoking with style, it might work to show her as a wholesome girl who indulges in her sins.

Things went very well - Alyssa got into the debate team on Sep 21st 2009 after successfully debating her points , and to celebrate she decided to attempt to convince the school to let her smoke. When she heard rumors of the Pluh Cult training people to bully others that "break the rules" in various ways, that energised her motivation to convince the school. She knew if the school treated her smoking as a normal thing, a personal choice, then it would take the sting out of the Pluh cult. Yes, they could counter by saying it was unhealthy, but so was junk food. She knew her dad had to carry the day, and thus she had a chat with him.

Lucas Jones: "So why did you come here?"

Alyssa: "I want you to advocate to the school to let me smoke. I quite like to smoke and it would be quite convenient for me to have a smoke between classes or in recess and lunch, or both."

Lucas Jones: "If you really like smoking then sure! Personally it ain't really heal... up to you. I'll advocate for you. It's ultimately your life anyways. Besides... I admit I have significant power-grabbing and narcissistic tendencies... I might use it for evil..."

Alyssa: "Thanks for the honesty! Yeah I know they ain't healthy for me but I enjoy my vices and besides why can't I have my sins? I don't need to be wholesome all the time!"

Lucas Jones' advocacy and support of Alyssa, even when she had her vices, was admirable - fighting for Alyssa's freedom and a libertarian world even in a society that overprotects children was a step towards utopia. And Alyssa knew she struck gold - embracing Dad wholeheartedly. Dad didn't seem to mind the smoke-stained hands and the slight tobacco smell Alyssa had. 

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