~Act 2: Aurora's POV ~

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In the middle of the maze there was a bright orangey-red fire. A bonfire, to celebrate the newcomers and supplies.

Loads of people are chatting and having fun. One person called Minho and another called Alby came and spoke to me for a while asking how I was settling in and all that. I say I'm fine and they go back to the others.

"How are you enjoying the party?" a British accent says, I recognize it immediately. Newt.

"Yeah I am." I reply smiling warily.

Just then the other girl, who came up in the box with me, walked my way.
"Where is she?" the she says, looking around.
"Ah there you are by the way sorry for punching you,I'm Vivienne Although someone keeps calling me V so you can call me that too I guess."

"I'm.. I'm Aurora.." I say with excitement, I finally remembered my name! "nice to meet you Vivi." I smile.

"Nice to meet you Aurora.. I'll call you Rory." she says and walks of to get some food.

"Wow Aurora's a pretty name love and it looks like you two are friends now. " Newt says, I jump forgetting he was there.

Yeah, I guess coming up in the box together gave us a special bond. Even though she punched me." I chuckle.

"Do you want something to eat?" he asks.
"No I'm fine." I say.
"You haven't eaten all day, you must be hungry." he presses.
"No really I'm fine." I reply," I'm just going to take a walk around this place."
"Do you want me to come? I can give you a tour." he asks.
I nod and he holds out his arm, I stand there for a while looking at him before realizing I was staring. Oops. I quickly look away blushing and take his arm.

Newt showed me all of the main areas like the huts, the forest and the working area for builders and track-hoes,like him.

Wow this place is beautiful, I think to myself. But how did we all end up here?

"No one really ever found out how we got here."Newt said as if he were reading my mind.

"Have you tried to escape?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says," our runner search for a way out every day and have been doing do for three years. There's not many runners left now though.. Have you thought about being one?" he asked tentatively.

"I. I don't know." I said, "im not a bad runner but I don't know what's out there."

"You would be fine, if you're worried about safety." he said, "Minho would be there with you so you wouldnt be alone."

"I'll sleep on it." I yawn.

"You should get to bed." Newt says.

"Um.. Where do I go? I don't exactly have anywhere to sleep. "

"You can sleep in my hut, I've been here for a while so it's pretty big. Gally helped building it, he's rather good I must say."

"Oh I couldn't." I say startled by his kindness.

"I insist. I have a spare room which Thoma used to sleep in until he wanted his own hut." he says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes it's what friends do-i I mean not that we're friends-well we can be friends but --" he stutters

"We are friends Newt and Thank you." I cut him off.
He smiles and leads the way to his hut.

I shiver, It's so cold. I've never really appreciated The warmth of a jumper more. I wish I had one now. Newt must have noticed me shiver because he said
"Do u want a jumper?"
"No I'm fine, I'm just really tired." I lie.
He doesn't belive me but thankfully doesn't press on the matter.

We get to the hut and it's is rather nice, quite big but not massively bigger than the others. It's made of a beige clayey-bricky stone and branches of leaves and twigs. It's beautiful. The room in which he leads me into is quite nice, it has a single bed and a set of drawers -handmade.

I sit down on the bed and think about my day.

I woke up in a box, got punched, met a guy, had a tour of the maze and made friends. Quite successful in my opinion.

I yawn again.
"Well goodnight then love." Newt says after a while.
"Goodnight Newt." I say rolling onto the other side of the bed and start to fall asleep. Definitely not dreaming about Newt or anything like that.

TWO LOVES ONE MAZE •|Maze Runner Love Story|•Where stories live. Discover now