Chapter 1

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Riker sighed, as  he passed Ross' room. He could here him in there, crying. He felt bad, he really did, but Ross needed to get over it. Courtney had broken up with Ross ten months ago, and Ross still acted like it was yesterday. He and all his siblings had tried talking to him, but Ross was slipping further and further away.

He went downstairs, and sat on the couch next to Rocky. "He's crying again."

Rydel sighed, "There has to be something we can do."

"I have an idea." Rocky said, "It's pretty weird, but it might work."

"What is it?" Riker asked, "I think at this point I'm willing to try anything."

"Well, it's called ageplay." Rocky said. "Basically Ross acts younger than he is, and we take care of him."

"How young can we make him?" Riker asked.

"Newborn." Rocky said. Riker's eyes widened. 

"How old do you think we should make him?" Rydel asked.

"I think 1." Ellington said, piping up. He was sitting next to Rydel on the love seat. Riker nodded in agreement.

"I think 1 is a good idea."

"So, should we ask him about doing it? Or just do it?" Rocky asked.

"He'd never say yes." Rydel said, shaking her head. "You know Ross." She sighed, "We'll just have to force him." Riker nodded in agreement again. 

"So, we should start setting up now right?" Ellington asked. 

"We can put the crib and stuff in my room." Riker said. "Since Rocky sleeps down here now." Rocky stuck out his tongue at Riker. Riker chuckled. "Your such a child."Rocky scowled.

"Boys." Rydel admonished teasingly. They all cracked up laughing. 

"I'll keep an eye on Ross while you guys take care of things." Riker said. Rocky looked awkwardly at Rydel and Ellington. "Ell can stay and help me." Riker said, smirking. Rydel and Rocky both gave him a look, but left. 

Ellington shook his head at Riker. "You, sir, are very clever."

Riker shrugged. "They need to get over their awkwardness." Rocky and Ellington had had an experimental realationship for six months, before he and Rydel got together. No one had been mad or anything, but Rocky and Rydel had been quite awkward since then. This was Riker's way of helping them work through their problems. "We should go talk to Ross." Riker said, after a few minutes. Ell nodded and they headed upstairs. Riker knocked on Ross' door. "Ross can we come in?" There was no reply, so Riker just opened the door. It wasn't like he'd be scarred for life if he saw anything. I mean, he changed Ross' diapers. He sat down on the bed next to Ross. "Hey." he said, softly. Ross took the covers off his head and looked at Riker with teary eyes. Riker sighed, and put Ross on his lap. The door opened downstairs and Ell went to get the basics they'd need to get Ross started while Rydel and Rocky set up the nursery in Riker's room.

"Ross," Riker began, not really sure how to explain this whole thing. "You haven't been taking care of yourself. And we've decided enough is enough. So we're going to put you in ageplay, and take care of you ourselves. You will act and have the headspace of a one year old. When the others get up here we'll go over the rules. Then we'll be starting immediately after that."

Ross looked at Riker, horrified. "Are you fucking crazy!" he shrieked.

Riker blinked, Ross hadn't talked ot anyone in weeks. He quickly recovered though and smacked Ross on the butt. "We don't say bad words Ross Shor."

Ross scowled, "Quit kidding around Riker."

"I'm dead serious." Riker said, giving him a look. "This is happening Ross. Whether you like it or not." The others joined them in Ross' room. "Did you tell him?" Rocky asked. Riker nodded.

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