Chapter 20

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Rydel, Laura and Ellington walked through the mall and bought a bunch of different things for Ellington. Laura was happy Ell was embracing herself, and Laura was very happy with Rydel. It was weird how she was pregnant with Ross' baby and now Ross was her baby as well. She wondered how he'd react to him dating his sister...


"Ross we need to talk to you." Riker said.

Ross pouted, but came out of headspace. He only did it when Laura wasn't around.

"Laura's dating Rydel." Rocky said.

"What?!" Ross said, in shock. He hadn't seen that coming at all. "But ho..."

"Remember last month they went out for that girl day?" Riker asked. Ross nodded. "Well they really hit off and they've been secretly dating ever since."

"Well they sure do a hell of a lot better than you two." he mumbled.

"You mean you knew about us this whole time?!" Rocky said.

"Well duh. You always hold Riker's hand. I'm not a complete idiot." Ross said, rolling his eyes.

Rocky snorted. "Your snarky. I think I like baby you better. At least then you don't talk back to me."

Ross stuck his tongue out playfully at Rocky. Rocky chuckled and shook his head, and Riker rolled his eyes at them.

"When are you going to tell Laura that you've been coming out of headspace and going out?" Rocky asked.

"I don't know." Ross whispered.

Riker sighed. "You have to tell her Ross. She deserves to know."

"I know..."

"Did you here about Ellington?" Riker asked.

"I already knew." Ross said, softly.

"How did you already know?" Rocky asked.

"Ell and I are dating." Ross said.

Riker's eyes widened in shock. "So you're dating Ellington?"

"Yeah. And I'm the one who convinced her it was time to tell you guys." he said. "I'm so proud of her."

"So that's where you've been sneaking off too." Riker said.

Ross nodded. "I think...I think I'm going to tell Laura when she gets home tonight. It's time for me to move on. Ageplay has been so amazing, and helpful, but I'm over Courtney and Laura. I want to go home and be with my girl."

Rocky smiled. "There's our Rossy." The brothers hugged.

So apparently the next chapter will be the last one because this book has decided to end itself in a very weird way. *shrugs* The book wrote itself I swear. Lol well love you guys!!

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