Chapter 7

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Ross was sleeping soundly in his crib when he was awoken by the tinkling noise of breaking glass. His eyes shot open. He looked up and saw Courtney. He started to cry, but Riker and everyone else had been knocked out by Courtney.

"Hush baby. Mommy's here." Courtney cooed.

Ross whimpered and cried. "You no mommy. You bad lady."

"No sweetie no. I'm mommy."

"Want daddy." Ross cried.

"Rossy, you don't need daddy. You've go mommy." she said.

"No!" Ross said, hitting her.

"Ross Shor Eaton! We do not hit!" she said. She spanked him. Ross started to cry.  

"I sorry." he sobbed.

"Sorry who?"

"M..mommy." he said, snuggling into her. Courtney rubbed his back lovingly. He slowly sarted to fall asleep in her arms.

So this is an extremely short chapter I know, but this was the only place I could get it to end where it didn't feel awkward. :P

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