Chapter 3

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The next day Rocky and Briget were left with Ross. 

"Rossy, time to wake up." Rocky said, rubbing his back. 

"No want to." Ross said, shaking his head.

"Come on Rossy we're gonna go to the beach." Briget said.

"Beach?" Ross asked, cracking one eye open.

"Mhm." Rocky said. Ross sat up and held his arms out sleepily to Rocky. Rocky chuckled and picked him up. They got him ready and headed for the beach. 

When they got there Briget took his hand and they walked to the ocean.

"You need to stay right with me or Rocky okay?" Briget said, seriously. Ross nodded, and they went into the water. Ross squealed at how cold it was and splashed the water all over Briget and Rocky. Briget squealed and Rocky laughed at his girlfriend before splashing Ross back. Ross squealed and hid behind Briget.

"Aww you are too cute!" she said, kissing his cheek.

"Hey!" Rocky said pouting. 

She giggled, "Come here you." She kissed him on the lips and Ross giggled. They played for a while longer then went to get ice cream.

"I want chocolate chip cookie dough." Ross said, skipping in between the two of them holding their hands.

"Okay." Rocky said, chuckling. "What do you want babe?"

"I'll chocolate chip." he said.

"Ooo." Ross said. "Me haf a bite Gigi?"

"Of course Rossy." She said, smiling. He giggled and clapped. Rocky got their ice cream while Briget and Ross waited for him. Rocky handed them the ice cream and they sat at a picnic table and ate. After that the played in the park for a little bit before heading home.

Sorry this chapter is so short. I'm hoping the next one will be longer. :)

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