Chapter 9

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"Daddy!" Ross sobbed, clutching Riker's shirt for dear life. Riker thanked Officer Sheppard, and went into the house. 

"Baby, I'm so glad your okay." Riker said crying. Rydel ran into the room. 

"Mommy!" Ross squealed.

"Ross!" She said, hugging him.

Ross hugged her tight with one hand, keeping his other fisted in Riker's shirt. "I miss you. It scary when bad lady take me."

"I know baby." she cooed. "It'll never happen again. Promise."

Ross snuggled back into Riker's chest both his hands in Riker's shirt. "I think you need a nap baby." Riker said.

"Otay daddy." Ross said. Rydel made a bottle and gave it to Riker. Riker held the bottle to Ross' mouth as they headed upstairs. He sat down in the rocking chair and started rocking Ross gently He started singing softly. Ross slowly started to fall asleep. Riker tried to lay him down, but Ross' hands stayed balled in his shirt. Riker sighed and laid down with Ross on his chest. He texted Rydel and let her know that Ross wasn't letting go so he was just gonna take a nap too. She said okay and Riker went to sleep with Ross safely snuggled in his arms.

Ross woke up two hours later and patted Riker's cheek to wake him up.

"Hey baby." Riker said, smiling sleepily at him.

"Hi daddy." Ross said, softly.

"What's wrong?" Riker asked.

"Me haf nightmare." Ross whispered.

"Oh baby." Riker cooed hugging him close. "What was it about?"

"Bad mommy took me again, and I never get saved and loose daddy forevwer. His grip on Riker's shirt tightened. "Never leave me again, daddy. Never ever. Not even to go potty!"

Riker's eyes went wide. "Ross I can't hold you 24/7."

Ross started sobbing and his breathing got rapid. Things started to go out of focus. 

"Baby, baby, calm down." Riker said, "Focus on daddy. Deep breaths. In and out." Ross did as he was told and started to calm down some, but he kept sobbing 

"Daddy never leave me."

"Never." Riker agreed. Ross buried his face in the crook of Riker's neck. "Want baba daddy."

Riker sighed. "Okay, one water baba coming up." He carried Ross downstairs and filled the bottle with water. He held it to Ross' mouth and Ross drank the water. He had it gone in secons and gasped for air.

"Slow down baby." Riker said.

"More." Ross said.

"Your really thirsty aren't you?"

Ross nodded. Riker got him another bottle. Ross drank it much slower than he drank the first one. "Want juicy." Ross said.

Riker nodded. In under an hour Ross had a whole bottle of apple juice gone. Riker frowned. "Ross are you feeling okay?"

"Thwisty daddy." Ross said.

"Did bad mommy give you food and water?"

Ross nodded.

"Rydel!" Riker called.

"Yeah?" Rydel asked coming into the kitchen.

"I think we need to take Ross to the hospital." Riker said, frowning.

"Why?" Rydel asked.

"He's drank two bottles of water. A 64 ounce bottle of juice and he's still thirsty." Riker said, "Also I've changed his diaper five times."

Rydel frowned.

"Daddy." Ross said.

"Yeah baby?" Riker asked.

"Mouth dry and diaper wet." he said.

"I'll get the others." Rydel said, leaving the room. Riker changed Ross' diaper.  "Where we going daddy?"

"We have to take you to the hospital." Riker said.

"Why?" Ross asked scared.

"Because you shouldn't still be thirsty." Riker said, grabbing a bottle of water for if Ross needed it on the way to the hospital.

"I be okay daddy?" Ross asked, scaredly.

"Yes, baby of course you will." Riker said. "I hope."

DUN-DUN-DUN!!!! What do you think is wrong with Ross?

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