Chapter 15

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Riker and the others got home a half hour later and Ross woke up in his bigger boy headspace. 

"Daddy!" he squealed. He ran and hugged Riker. 

Riker hugged him back. "Hey buddy. Did you have fun with Laura?"

Ross nodded. "We watch good movie. Over and over!"

"Wow it must've been really good." Riker said. 


Laura stood up. "I'm gonna head out now guys. I'll see you Rossy-bear."

" 'Morrow?" Ross asked, hopefully.

"Maybe. We'll see." Laura said. Ross gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek, and Laura left. Ross snuggled into Riker as he watched her go.

"Bye-bye mommy." he whispered softly.

Hey guys!!! I know this chapter is short and kind of sucks but it was all I could think of right now and there's some big plot twists coming up and I didn't want to start them in this chapter. So...yeah. 20 COMMENTS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

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