Chapter 19

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"What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming till tomorrow!" Laura said.
"I decided to come and surprise you." Riker said smiling. "Have you told him yet?
"No. How am I supposed to tell him his brothers are dating and that I'm dating his sister?"
"Laur it'll be okay."
"And would you quit calling him babe." Rocky whined as he got out of the car pouting.
"Sorry rock." Laura said smiling.
Rocky sighed teasingly. "I guess I forgive you."
"You better." she pouted. They laughed and Laura gave Rocky a hug. "Did Delly come to?"
"No she's trying to help Ellington through a midlife crisis." Rocky said.
"Which is kind of what we want to talk to you about..." Riker said nervously.
"What do you mean?" Laura asked worried.
"Ell's just now decided to admit he's trans gender." Riker said. Laura's jaw dropped. "Wait so like he was born a girl or feels like a girl. Which one?"
"Feels like he is." Riker said.
"Wow...this is...I don't even know what to say." Laura said in shock. "Delly took him shopping." Rocky said rolling his eyes.
"She wants you to join them." Riker said smiling.
"But Ross..." she started
"Will be fine with us for a few hours." Riker finished for her. She sighed. "Fine. His bottle is in the fridge."
"We know." Rocky said smiling. "Go."
She smiled And hugged them. "Thanks guys."
"Anytime." they said. Laura ran out the door. She got in her car and drove to the mall.
"Babe!" Rydel squealed hugging her as she found Rydel and Ellington.
"Hey sweetheart." she said smiling. They hugged. "Ell!" Laura said hugging him too.
"Hi." he said shyly.
"Ell you don't have to be nervous. I love you for who you are. I just don't get why you waited so long to tell us."
"I didn't want to lose all of you." he whispred.
"Ell you'll never lose us." Laura and Rydel said. They all giggled and hugged. "So why are we at the mall?"
"Ell wants to start...embracing himself now that he's told us." Rydel said as Ellington blushed. "He knows he has us and that's what he needs is his family to help him. So we're going shopping for Ellie." Laura squealed and hugged ell. "I'm so proud of you!"

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