Chaper 6

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Riker came in a half-hour later and woke Ross up.

"Daddy!" Ross said, sleepily.

"Hey, baby." Riker said, softly. "You ready for dinner?"

"Din-din!" Ross said happily, sitting up. Riker smiled and picked him up. He carried him to the kitchen and sat him in his highchair. "Papa feed me!" Ross demanded.

"Can you say please?" Ellington asked.

"Pwease." Ross said.

"There's my big boy." Ellington said, ruffling his hair. They all sat down and started eating. Ellington put a couple macaroni and cheese noddles on Ross' highchair tray and Ross picked them up and ate them. He ended up getting the cheese sauce from the macaroni all over his face and even in his hair.

"I think you need a bath." Rydel said.

"Dada give Rossy baf." Ross said.

"Me!" Rocky said, surprised. He thought Ross would want one of the others. Ross held out his arms and made grabby hands at Rocky. Rocky picked him up and Ross instantly snuggled into him, effectively ruining Rocky's shirt. Rocky sighed, and carried Ross upstairs. He undressed him and started running water in the tub. Ross ran out the door while Rocky's back was turned. He ran downstairs and started running around, yelling at the top of his lungs. Riker got up, and stood in front of where Ross would run through the living room. 

'Young man." he said, loud enough to be heard over Ross' yelling. Ross instantly quieted. "I am giving you three seconds to get your butt back to the bathroom, or you are getting a spanking is that understood?" Ross nodded. "Go." Riker said, "And no more yelling." Ross quickly ran back to the bathroom.

"Ross, you know better than to run off like that." Rocky said.

"Sorry dada." Ross said, sadly.

"I'm afraid, that because you ran off you don't get any bubbled tonight and you only get one toy." Rocky said. Ross nodded sadly. Rocky picked him up and put him in the tub. He started washing Ross' hair and body. Ross giggled and played with his rubber ducky as Rocky washed him.

"Alright, all done." Rocky said, smiling.

"Yay! Awl dun." Ross said, clapping and giggling happy. Rocky carried him to his nursery and put a new diaper and footie pajamas on Ross. Ross giggled and sucked on his pacifier, which at some point he had put back in his mouth. Rocky carried him downstairs. "There's time for one show before bedtime who do you wan to watch with you?" Rocky asked.

"Mommy!" Ross squealed. Rydel came, and took him to the living room. She started Care Bears and she and Ross sat and watched it together. Ross snuggled into her chest and started to fall asleep. After the episode was over Rydel gave him to Riker. Riker carried him upstairs. He gave Ross a bottle and started rocking him. Ross fell asleep almost instantly.

Sorry this chapter is so short. It's just kind of a filler

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