Chapter 13

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"Riker! I can explain!" Laura said.

"There's nothing to explain." Riker said, "Clearly you can't babysit Ross."

"Daddy no! I wuv Laur-Laur!" Ross said, tears welling in his eyes.

" don't get it..." Riker said.

"Riker come on." Ross whined, coming out of headspace.

"Ross?" Riker asked shocked.

"Let Laura stay please." Ross said.

"But Ross..." Riker said, he looked into Ross' big brown puppy dog eyes. "Alright fine. But no more of that stuff do you understand?" They both nodded and Riker left. 

Laura turned to Ross. "We should get you dressed..."

"But then we can't finish what we started." Ross said.

"Ross we just promised Riker..."

"I won't tell if you don't." He crashed his lips against hers. Laura moaned. Ross grabbed her thighs and Laura wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding against him. Ross moaned into the kiss. He carried her to the guest room and began pulling off her shirt and bra. He kissed down her neck and chest, before sucking a nipple into his mouth. 

"Oh..." Laura arched off the bed. "Fuck...Ross..." He practically ripped off her pants and underwear before thrusting into her. They both moaned. Ross started moving at a fast, hard pace. 

"I haven't done this in over nine months." Ross panted.

"Nine months?" she said.


"Geez, no wonder you were..." she was cut off by a moan as Ross hit her sweet spot. He began thrusting right into the spot.

"I'm so close..." he moaned.

"Me too...God Ross...." she moaned. She pulled him down to kiss her heatedly. Laura moaned as she felt Ross begin to spill inside her. She moaned and came around him, shaking in pleasure. Ross pulled out of her and collapsed next to her.

"That was amazing..." he breathed.

"Yeah..." She cuddled into his chest. They laid there just talking for quite a while.

"So is two the youngest you can go in headspace?" she asked.

"No, I can go all the way to newborn, I just don't feel comfortable enough with my siblings to do it."

"Is it nice being that far in headspace?" she asked.

"Yeah. It's so quiet. You don't really think, you just observe and the world doesn't seem bad or scary. The only things you have to worry about are the uncomfortable feelings in your diaper and breastfeeding."

"Would you...would you want to let go completely with me?" she asked.

"Seriously?" Ross asked.

"Yeah." she said.

"You'd do that for me?" he asked stunned.

"Of course." she said.

Ross thought about it for a minute. "I think...I think I'd like to try."

Laura nodded "Okay. I'll give you a minute to get there."

Ross went silent and after a while just looked at Laura in wide eyed onder. He waved his arms at her and made little baby noises.

Laura smiled "Hi baby."

So Ross is full baby now! What do you think will happen? 12 COMMENTS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

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