Episode 3 : A kiss to escape

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The lady doctor was screaming, but no one could hear her because she was 50 floors up. The rope was already fraying, and within moments, it snapped and she fell from the 50th floor.

As soon as she hit the road, Chaos erupted everywhere .
She had fallen from such a great height that the road was covered in blood. People gathered around and informed the police

The dead body was sent to the forensic lab. The media, already obsessed with Sophia’s murder, went into a frenzy after hearing about the doctor’s death.

Inside the police station, Emma could hear the media's ruckus. She tried to ignore it for a while but finally lost her patience. She stormed outside, gesturing to the officers she had tasked with handling the press.

They discreetly shattered all the cameras without being caught on film, and shut the main gate of the station.

The journalists started swearing, confused by what was happening.

Emma stepped forward with an undeniable authority. A chair was placed in the middle, and she strode over, sitting with calculated confidence.

One of the reporters shouted, "Hey! What’s going on here? Instead of catching the killer, you’re bullying the media!"

Emma smirked, her expression cold. In one swift move, she pulled out her gun and shot the man in the leg. Panic erupted, and the man screamed in agony.

Emma's voice was icy. You’ve been harassing us since yesterday. What do you think this is? Some movie where we’re the innocent, soft-hearted cops that will take your nonsense?

We will find the killer, that’s our job. But first, we need to deal with those who get in our way.

The rest of the media, terrified, started begging for forgiveness.

Some muttered curses under their breath, questioning how the police could act like this.

Emma fired off a few warning shots, sending them scattering, fearful for their lives.

After opening the gates, the media fled, and the officers returned inside.

The other officers inside the station had already figured out what had happened just by the expressions on their colleagues' faces.

Mia and Michael approached Emma.

Mia grinned. "This is why I like you so much. The media won’t be back here anytime soon."

Michael added, "Right. I hope you're learning this, Mia. It’ll come in handy for you."

Mia, with a playful smirk, asked, "Oh? Are you worried about me now, Michael?"

Michael groaned. "Not again, Mia."

Emma cut in, "Enough. Any news on that doctor?"

Both shook their heads, and
Emma sighed.
We’re already neck-deep in the singer’s murder, and now another case... And I’m damn sure this isn’t a suicide.

Later, some officers went to search the crime scene, others gathered information from the internet, and some were working on structuring the case board for investigation.

It was getting late when Daniel entered the station. Everyone stood to attention and saluted him.

Two murders in two days, Daniel said, his tone commanding. "If this keeps up, people are going to lose faith in the police. Solve these cases quickly. The public is already up in arms.

Everyone nodded and returned to their work. Daniel’s eyes eventually found Emma, who was sitting in a corner, quietly eating something. She hadn’t noticed his arrival because she was sitting behind a glass partition.

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