Episode 13 : Into The Abyss

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When Mia woke up in the morning, she found herself tied to a chair, her hands and feet bound.

She panicked and started screaming. Just then, the door opened, and Michael walked in, carrying a plate in his hands.

He placed the plate on the table in front of her and untied one of her hands, saying, "Eat, you must be hungry."

Mia began to cry, pleading, Please let me go! I won’t tell anyone about you, I promise. Please, Michael!

Michael looked at her in surprise and said, I made this food for you myself, baby, and you're talking about leaving?

Mia continued trying to convince him to let her go. But Michael, now angry, said, "Eat quietly."

Then, in a completely calm voice, he added, You like me, don’t you? How could you do this to me? Talking about leaving me? Such bad manners.

Hearing this, Mia became furious and shouted, I liked you because I didn’t know you were a psycho! How could you do this to me? I loved you so much, and you... disgusting!

Michael placed a hand on her head and softly said, You still don’t understand the world, there’s so much left for you to learn.

Mia was scared, trying to pull her head away from Michael's hand.

Michael smirked and said, Don’t be afraid, I won’t kill you. You’re very close to me, and now you’ll stay by my side. He then started laughing.

Irritated, Mia turned her face away in anger. As Michael was leaving, he said, Eat your food. I’m going to the police station. Wait for me.

Meanwhile, after waking up, Emma went to the room where the lady had been locked up. But when she got there, neither the security guards nor the locked room were present.

She entered, but the room was empty. Frustrated, she stomped her foot and left.

She went back to her room, put on her headphones, and started bouncing around as she headed downstairs.

Suddenly, she tripped on the stairs, but before she could fall, Daniel caught her.

She began removing her headphones from her head, but Daniel stopped her, placed his hand on her headphones, and said, "Dumbo."

Since Emma couldn’t hear him, she quickly removed her headphones and asked, "What did you say?"

But Daniel was already walking up the stairs, and she followed him, asking, What did you say? Please tell me!

Daniel stopped and replied, I’ve already said what I needed to. If you didn’t hear it, that’s not my fault.

Emma pouted in frustration, and Daniel smiled before heading to the room to change.

Emma then went downstairs to set the table for breakfast. After they both ate, they left for their respective tasks.

At the police station, the two officers reported to Emma and mentioned that Mia had texted them, saying the task was done.

Emma asked, "When did Mia leave the house?"

The officers replied, We don’t know. She just told us to leave, and we did.

Emma, now even more frustrated, said, You idiots, she told you to leave, and you just left? What were you even thinking?

The officers apologized, and Emma said, Fine, forget it. Call Mia and tell her to come to the police station immediately.

The officer called, but Mia’s phone was off.

Emma asked, "Can the location be traced?"

The officers said no.

Emma responded, It's okay, she has a tracker. Try to locate her.

One of the officers replied, That tracker was turned off last night.

Emma, shocked, exclaimed, "
What? You idiots, the tracker was off, Mia didn’t leave the house, and you didn’t think something was wrong?

Get out of here, you fools!
The officers apologized and left.

Emma called Michael to her office. When he arrived, he asked her, Emma, have you spoken to Mia? I’ve been trying to call her, but her phone is off.

Emma narrowed her eyes at him and said, Mia was at your house last night, right?
She told me she was staying with you and even shared details about the building.

Michael replied, Yes, she was at my place, but she left around 11:30, saying she had to check out a place that her agent had found.

Emma started thinking and then said, Okay, I’ll keep trying, and you do the same. Maybe one of us will get through.

Michael nodded and left the office.

Emma, deep in thought, muttered to herself, Could Mia’s suspicion have been right? Is she in trouble? I don’t know what to do.

During lunch, Michael left the police station, and Emma, suspicious, followed him.

After a while, Michael entered a small restaurant down an alley. Emma hid nearby, waiting for him to come out.

Many people left, but not Michael. She grew impatient, muttering, It’s been so long, has he already left? No, I’ve been watching, he hasn’t come out yet.

She continued to wait. Meanwhile, Michael, now dressed as a chef, was following a lawyer.

The woman noticed him and turned around, asking, Do you need something? Why are you following me?

As Michael got closer, the woman sprayed something in his face and ran.

Michael couldn’t open his eyes due to the spray, and the woman escaped. After a few minutes, when the effects wore off and Michael opened his eyes, he smirked and said, "No problem, live another day."

Then he calmly walked back to the restaurant.

Emma, still waiting outside, grew tired and decided to go inside.

But just as she stood up, Michael came out of the restaurant, and she hid again, following him back to the police station.

Frustrated, Emma sighed, I didn’t find out anything, and I missed lunch, too!

Then she got an idea. It’s okay. I’ll go to his house tonight, and everything will become clear.

Just then, Emma received a call from Daniel, and a smile spread across her face.

She answered, and Daniel asked, "What are you doing?"

Emma playfully moved her arms and scratched the ground with one foot, smiling as she said, "Nothing."

Daniel asked, "Did you eat?"

Emma lowered her eyes, smiled, and replied, "Hmm."

She was acting playfully, standing outside the office where all the officers were watching her, some whispering to each other and smiling.

Daniel then asked, Did you start working on the psycho killer case?

Emma’s smile disappeared, and as she walked back into her office, she said, "Actually, there’s a problem."

Once inside, she closed the door and added, "I need to solve this first before I can work on the plan.

Daniel asked, "What’s the problem?"

Emma replied, I can’t tell you yet. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow.......

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